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1 year ago

Make a couple of nice videos of the flight watch Downloaded movies and listen to music and if possible sleep a little food should also help (Have I heard)

1 year ago

With audiobooks, music and the on-board entertainment system – say: take one movie by one.

To sleep one takes an eye mask and ear blind.

If you can’t sit anymore, you get up in between and the plane runs up and down one or two times, so that the blood can circulate again in the legs.

1 year ago

There’s no way to get crazy. The first 2-3 hours you are relatively busy for the first time that you will pick up and then get food and drinks served. The last 2 sts before the landing the same game then again. Depending on the length of the fluges, it can be that tasty be served to the middle of the flight. stay summa summarum for about 7-8 hours. To do this, I recommend either a good book, or the movies in the Bordentertainment. Ca 2-3 films, you don’t need more. I’m sure you’ll fall asleep. And in between just run a round through the flyer, visit the FBs in the galley and get a glass of red wine or something. So all half as wild 🙂

1 year ago

between times a round sleep, take something to work with you (book, phone, notebook), watch some movies. In between, it is served regularly to eat and drink. That’s what you get. Don’t forget to get up regularly and run around so there are no complaints in the legs.

1 year ago

Why would you be crazy? I’d like to fly. Of course, after 12, 13, 14 hours, you would like to represent your legs and run something again and not just to sit, but you can also walk through the gang in the plane. to go to the bathroom.

1 year ago

For me, no flight can be long enough. The 12 hours pass for me as in flight.

1 year ago

Hi, TasHoedBalStep.

This is wonderful….😊

I flew the route Ffm/Munich- Bangkok for many years.

And the six times a year back and back.

After dinner: seat back, put on legs and sleep until shortly before Bangkok.

While all breakfasts, rest in the laundry room and make salonable. 🤣

It’ll be a routine.

Greetings, Renate.

1 year ago

29 hours Frankfurt – Bogotà with intermediate landings where we were not allowed to leave the aircraft. It’s exhausting, but red wine helps.

That wasn’t my only flight in that length and I know why I don’t want to fly anymore (also for other reasons!)

1 year ago

When the internet you watch youtube videos at :o)

1 year ago


  1. Wear the right shoes and the right clothes
  2. Choose the right seat
  3. Emboss the way to the emergency exit
  4. Stay strapped
  5. Deal with games or conversations
  6. Do not take sleeping pills and do not drink alcohol


1 year ago

look out the window, usually there are temporary landings for so long flights, you can then enjoy customs-free drinks…Read Book

with sleep is not much because there are no lying seats

1 year ago
Reply to  Seraphim777

No, actually there is no intermediate landing for such long flights, because nonstop flights refuel from the beginning so much that it reaches the destination, and that can also be 15-18 hours per airplane pattern 🙂 Intermediate landings are rarely planned, otherwise there is a “flight with intermediate stop” somewhere where the flyer has its “homebase”.

1 year ago

Well, some of them are asleep anyway. Then keep reading, games on the phone or laptop, reading book, listening to music….

1 year ago

so I like to make an intermediate landing in Abu Dhabi or nearby.

you can spend time with sleep, TV – radio or games

1 year ago

Two on the aircraft toilet “Mile High Club-Member”…

…if you can’t smoke.


1 year ago

Watching TV, reading or sleeping, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.