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Komischer Belag im Kaffee?
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I make my coffee with one Moka Express cooker according to the principle of Alfonso Bialetti. 28 grams of freshly ground coffee on 190 ml of water. In the cup I stir 25 g of sugar in 50 ml of whipped cream and then the coffee comes on.
The result is a unique coffee experience; a true taste-explosion while sneaking. I can enjoy this pleasure every morning.
When I see the coffee (gant beans) in the special offer, I always buy several kilos because I can save so much money. So I can make a cup of coffee (250 ml with sugar and cream) for about 70-75 cents. Although filter coffee is cheaper, it tastes like sprout compared to my coffee. Capsules and pads are already more expensive than my preparation without sugar and cream, and can hardly withstand taste.
Thanks for the star ★
Nespresso – there is nothing better (except screen carrier but this is quite expensive for a single coffee)
Neither. Coffee must be freshly ground. However, I drink my esspresso from a machine with grinder.
I prefer filtering, but I also use pads or espresso machines.
From a screen carrier machine, with ground coffee beans, no unnecessary packaging at high prices. 😅
I prefer compostable capsules with fair traded organic coffee 😋.
Capsules and pads. Filter coffee is too bitter and has no crema.
Capsules are scrap. In comparison, much more expensive, unnecessary waste production, more waste of raw materials. In fact, capsules are four times more expensive than filter coffee.
Fully automatic
Fresh beans
Individual grinding
Makes just better
None of it, I take 2-3 skinned TL and tilt it into the cup, then I pour hot water on it, stir around and I wait until the ground has set.
That or French Press.
Espresso cooker.
Whatever. It’s coffee. ☕️
Freshly ground from the sieve carrier.
Right espresso from the Italian Bialetti pan with milk and sugar.
‡ Soluble coffee
With milk!
🤢 is only emergency solution
With me the standard 😋
Nowadays quite drinkable.
Powder coffee / Nescafe.