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4 years ago

Clamp between two large cardboard pieces or wooden boards.

or at least a large solid cardboard or a Take the wooden board, put the poster on it and then wind something or something. Cover plastic bags/bags.

100×50 cm is not so big, that should not be a problem on the bus.

4 years ago
Reply to  Clarasticious

I have travelled several times by bus and train to the camping holiday, and I never had problems with bus drivers when I arrived with big luggage, tent, camera tripod, etc.
If the bus was already very crowded or if you were at risk for other passengers with a fixed 2 meter poster roll, you might be denied entry.

4 years ago

If you can’t roll it in, you can’t be transported by bus in too large format. If there is a risk that others are disabled, the driver can refuse to drive.

4 years ago

Get two rigid cardboard boxes and put the poster in between.

You’ll stick it on all sides.
