Wie teuer wird die Reparatur?

Folgendes ich habe ein iPhone 13pro und muss ehrlicher Weise sagen dass ich dagegen geschlagen habe nun sieht es so aus

Die Risse waren davor schon naja auf jeden Fall jetzt die Frage kann man sowas reparieren und wenn ja wie teuer wird das ca?

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10 months ago

The screen must be replaced.

Grades on Apple devices should be made to repair it by Apple itself.

You have two price options in the case:

  • from a third party retailer to repair with unofficial parts, that can cause problems with the software and the performance is probably worse, moreover, the quality can be bad
  • can be repaired with Apple, but it is safer / have it repaired with official parts at the third-party dealer, but is just as expensive and has more disadvantages

With such an official screen repair you can quickly be at €400 – 500, a new phone might be worth more.


10 months ago
Reply to  Luvqsd

You may have a new memory used, but this must also be done by Apple (probably max. 128 gb), as Apple uses extreme hurdles for third parties in terms of spare parts and repair, so that would also be relatively expensive.

In addition, the iPhone 11 is outdated, among other things does not get any security and operating updates and is generally now slowed down and this will become even worse in the near future.

M.M.n. is not worth the investment.

If you want a less fragile phone, you can think about a change to Android, which are almost all more stable in my experience.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bananenmayo

With such an official screen repair you can quickly be at €400 – 500, a new phone might be worth more.

If on geizhals.de the 13s from approx. 600 euros, then that is definitely a point to consider. 👍

Edit: With a 13pro (from about €1,000), this could be relative. 🤔

10 months ago
Reply to  mchawk777

If you buy a mobile phone new, but used purchases in good condition m.M.n have much better P/L ratio. iPhone 13 is available from ~420€

A colleague took over one week ago for 300€

10 months ago

In fact – perhaps the questioner still reports and specifies what she chose.

As a 17-year-old, the money should not be so easy to ignore the used or refurbished market. (Have unfortunately looked at her profile too late!)