Wie teuer wäre es mit der Bahncard?
Wenn ich 40 euro hinfahrt und 40 euro Rückfahrt hätte wären das 80 Euro wieviel würde ich dort mit der Bahncard 50 oder Bahncard 25 Sparen ?
Wenn ich 40 euro hinfahrt und 40 euro Rückfahrt hätte wären das 80 Euro wieviel würde ich dort mit der Bahncard 50 oder Bahncard 25 Sparen ?
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Hello, ich fahr am 30.12 von Strasbourg nach Paris Est. Jedoch finde ich nirgendwo Informationen von welchem Gleis der Zug abfährt. (Ja ich weiß es dauert noch ein bisschen bis zum 30.12 aber die selbe Zugnummer fährt auch am Freitag und da gibts auch keine Informationen) weiß jemand wo man es herausfindet oder weiß jemand…
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With Bahncard 25, you save 25% of travel costs, with Bahncard 50 you save 50%. But you have to buy the Bahncard for one year each. Of course, that’ll cost something.
This means that it is not worth a single trip. It’s worth the more, the more common you drive. You’ll also get a discount on savings prices, but you can get a lot out with savings prices alone… then you don’t even need a train card.
I once made an Excel list to calculate the personal savings…
Total price with railway card: price railway card + number of trips * price per trip* (100% discount in percent)
Without train card: number of trips * Price per trip
I drive every weekend for approx. 80 Euro do you have any idea what price would come out about if you were using the Bahncard at 80 Euros, so what would be instead of 80 Euro(Hinfahrt 40€ & Return 40€)
At Bahncard 50 you pay only half, that is 20€ driveway + 20€ return trip. Bahncard 50 costs 234€, from 6. The train card is worth the weekend (80€ drive).
If you’re every three. Driving weekend (17 trips per year) would you pay on average 53€ instead of 80€… The price of the railway card is calculated. Every second week it would be €49.36.
This is not so easy now:
At a BC 25 you save exactly 25% of the price, at a BC 50 just 50% of the price, but… A BC 50 is a whole lot more expensive than a BC 25, so you have to calculate the extra price.
And then there would be the savings prices: If you are driving a ticket to the (super) repair price (access), you will only get 25% discount on this price with both BahnCards, so the BC 50 does not bring any additional benefit.
Yes, of course!
BC 50 saves 50%
BC 25 saves 25%
As the name says. And since the one costs 127 EUR and the other doubles, you can calculate from when a BC expects. Spare and super-saving prices also apply without BC.
50 and 25 %
However, you must, of course, offset the costs for the BC.
50% or 25%.
bahncard ansich is not cheap
You save about 50%
With both variants of the Bahncard? Interesting.
Just get 9€ ticket
Not helpful for long distance travel…