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Legal duty for A1 are 12 double hours basic material and 4 hours additive motorcycle, i.e. 16 theoretical hours. For this, the driving school usually calculates a package price because you have to do this anyway. It is often called a basic fee and is probably around 300 euros.
Then there are 12 mandatory hours for driving. All that goes beyond these 12 hours depends on your personal talent. You can count for 6-10 hours. So it is about 20 hours. This varies between 45 and 60 euros in price. I guess every driving school does its own calculation.
Then there are small things like vision test, passport photo and first aid, which would probably be done with 60-70 euros.
In addition, the registration fee for the city administration or district, which will issue the ID later. 50 euros.
Then teaching materials. Nowadays, this is actually only an online access that will probably cost between 50-100 euros.
And not to forget the fees to register the theoretical and practical examination. You’ll get rid of the 200 euros again.
About 300-500 Euros should be planned for personal protective equipment, such as helmet, jacket, trousers, gloves and boots. Maybe that’s a bit lassy at A1 than at A, maybe not. I spent some 850 euros on this at A.
And at the end, you’ll still have costs for your choice motorcycle. You see, it’s not even done fast.
I’d expect the 1500€.
You don’t buy it, you have to pass it. So the costs depend on how clever you are.
A few hours of duty must be admitted to the driving schools but also 😉
I didn’t say he didn’t cost anything.
I’ll tell you that. The mandatory hours are not dependent on the cleverness. Thus, the cited statement is incorrect.
If you make it legal, I guess so 1500€ to 2000€
How do you make the license illegal?