Wie teilt man einen Text in Sinnabschnitte?

Was sind überhaupt Sinnabschnitte ? Und wie bildet man die ? Also wie teilt man einen Text in Sinnabschnitte ein ?

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1 year ago

You can see when the narrative perspective changes or when the scene changes. Imagine the text like a movie. If the scene changes, a new section of the sense begins and this partly begins with references (e.g. “cf. Z. 2-4”).

1 year ago

This depends, of course, on the type of text.

But each section treats a thought. It’s easier if you have a textbook. The film meeting is about tone in one section, the next about acting art and the next about the director, etc.

In adventure literature this is not always the same for young people, but there is always something that is the subject of the section. You have to be able to look behind the words. It’s not always the way the speaker changes every time.

In a speech, it can be about trust, courage and honor. Everything tells the same person away in a row. Nevertheless, the division is present, unless a person speaks, whose thoughts jump back and forth.