Wie tankt ihr eure 2 Takter an der Tankstelle?
Ich habe eine Hercules Prima 5, welche 2 Takter ist und mit Benzin Öl Gemisch getankt werden muss. Bisher habe ich immer Benzin mit einem Kanister bei der Tankstelle geholt, jedoch würde ich gerne an der direkt an der Tankstelle tanken. Ich habe ein paar Leute gesehen, die einfach ihr 2 Taktöl mitgenommen haben und das nach dem Tanken in den Tank geschüttet haben und anschließend ihre Maschiene geschüttelt haben. Hat jemand Tipps?
So for mofas and mopeds I actually use a canister, because of the small amount and the fact that even small oil bottles can be badly placed on the vehicle. The scooters without separation lubrication I tank directly at the petrol station. For mixing, I have oil in a bottle with scale. You don’t have to shake. Modern two-stroke oils are self-mixing.
Since my former and current 2-strokes have different oil additives (2%, 3%, 4% or 5%), I first fill the oil in a canister and then the gasoline on the column. It will be refueled at home. That’s how it’s premixed. Even self-mixing oil should be premixed a little so that it is evenly distributed.
In the case of cars, I know from experience when again how much gasoline has in the tank. At the Saab 96 this was always when the reserve lamp was lit. Then about 33 liters of space. So I could first fill in a liter of 2-stroke oil (3%) at the column and then the gasoline at the back. The filler neck was slightly twisted so that a vortex was formed during filling, so that the oil and gasoline mixture mixed better.
Most of the engines that ran until 1971 with 4% are quite satisfied with today’s self-mixing 2-stroke oil with 2%. However, there are exceptions. In the case of Puch SV with the double-piston 2 actuator, I still use a 25:1 mixture.
there used to be so special columns to mix at the gas stations Unfortunately this has been abolished. I’ll do this for our lawnmower gasoline and then pour oil on it and pour or in the gasoline canister.
the oil is also portionwise but then more expensive:
We even have a 50-litre moped tank owl home. However, my father does not allow me to fill and use them.