Wie Strumpfhosen schlau falten Ikea Box?
Frage geht eig an die Leute, die viele Strumpfhosen besitzen😹
Problem ist ich hab so einen altmodischen Kleiderschrank und nicht wirklich Schubladen, daher hab ich drei von diesen großen Ikea Boxen, wo Unterwäsche, Socken und Strumpfhosen reinfliegen.
Kon Mari funktioniert nicht weil mir das nichts bringt. Ich kann nicht stapeln oder so und wenn ich ein paar Mal durchwühle sind alle “Päckchen” offen. Die so falten wie Socken geht einigermaßen, aber nur bei dickeren Strumpfhosen, bei den dünnen Nylondingern nicht wirklich, die gehen wieder auf
Jmd Ideen außer die in Tüten zu stopfen? Es sind locker 20-25 Stück 🙀
Roll up, rubber band or napkin ring around it – finished.
Hi. So in such a big box I don’t know exactly, but there are from IKEA extra textile folding and storage boxes with compartments for zb also tights. You could sort them by way, like transparent, opaque and so. 🙂
You’re thinking 😅 I’m throwing them all in a box and I’m done. As if I’d fold my trunk pants
This way, however, they can easily fold once in length and then roll up from the feet and then it goes.
Yeah, I’ve done a lot of things, but with so many, that’s annoying when you’re on ten legs and all are knotted 😹
Oh, that’s not happening to me. Try that with the role. That’s good
I’ll keep like a crazy 😹 trz thanks 🙏
I can really imagine what “great boxes” you mean and why you can’t stack the trunk pants, but unfortunately I don’t remember anything else, because it seems too complicated to me there has never been anything in my mind. I don’t sort socks either. I just throw them into a box and I’m finished 😅 if you don’t run like a crazy pantyhose, then knot them too.
I don’t have anything, I can’t stack it
Hi. I can only advise you to roll up your fine tights and put them in the box next to each other. Possibly still put together by colors. Keep light and dark separated. 😉
Got only black 😹
All right. I have mostly only blacks and anthracite. Or some in grey. But all are fine tights from 15den to 80den. 😉
Try rolling it up once. And then place next to each other.