Wie Streng sind die Niederlande mit VIP tickets bei Konzerten?

Kann man mit einem VIP pass easy rein genauso wie hier bei mir in Deutschland oder sind die strenger?

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3 months ago

In the Netherlands, the rules for VIP tickets are similar to in Germany, but there are some differences. VIP tickets often offer access to exclusive areas, better seating and additional services such as catering and meet-and-governments with artists. As a rule, you have easier access with a VIP pass than with normal tickets, which means you have to stand for less long and can get in special entrances. However, the strings at the entrance can vary depending on the event and venue. Some locations have stricter security controls while others are more relaxed. It is therefore advisable to inform yourself in advance of the specific rules of the event. Generally speaking, you are better off with a VIP pass, but without checks it is not possible

3 months ago

What does “easy mean”? If you have a ticket, you’ll come in. In my experience, the admission controls are not much different from those in Germany. It was already in many countries at concerts (also in the Netherlands) and actually everywhere it was quite the same.