Wie Stimme ich diese Gitarre, bitte helft mir?
Mein brudi hat an meiner Gitarre rumgedreht und 2 Seiten verstimmt. Wie kann ich die zurückdrehen? Bitte Lösung ohne Stimmgerät.
Sie soll normal gestimmt sein. In E oder so.
LG und danke im vorraus!!!
Probably the easiest way to vote is to pick you up on the handy an app that helps you to recommend guitartuna, but to the not if you have no handy you can vote it relative to your gitarre. You do this by playing the page on the 5th bund and then tuning the string under it. For all sides, you make the second thinnest that you do on the 4th band of the present.
hope that makes sense
There is a guitar tuner or guitar tuner in English. Can you explain in the store before you assign one. Once I had and before you don’t have the right hearing for it, it’s highly recommended.
Good success 😉
Try it here: Guitar vote online!
Did you at least give him the opinion?
In the fifth covenant of each string you will find the tone of the next higher string (exception: second string/h: here is the e in the fourth covenant).
Jep, that’s it.
This guitar is tuned quite normal.
The deep side is at the top and is an E
E – A – D – G – H – E