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10 months ago

I assume that it is also controllable with the TRIX CS 2 or 3. The digital transfer forms of Märklin or TRIX are the same. The somewhat synthetic term MäTrix says a lot. Go to the website: and enter the search line “Kranwagen Set” H=. There your model appears. Under the right heading, (works sold out) go to “downloads” and then click the instructions (PDF) download the and open it. You can find everything else there.

Question: You put the crane truck on Märklin -M track. In the foreground I see TRIX-C track. Does the boom support car have a middle grinder? Then it is provided for the Märklin 3 conductor system. If he doesn’t have a grinder, he’s made for the 2-wire system. He must: so on the right track system to work. If I have seen this correctly in the quick view of the guide, the CS 2 or 3 would have to find the address itself. Otherwise I can’t help you. Good luck!

8 months ago

Märklin number 46717

Functions: Crane booms turn,Cran boom lift/slow,Cran hook on/off Adjustable address (Control Unit): 01 – 80.Address from work: 77. Automatically detected by MS2

9 months ago

I don’t think he has a motor.

Is there still a small crank on one side to turn it?