Wie stelle ich mein IPhone um so, dass es bei eingehende Anrufen (WhatsApp und Telefon) laut klingelt und bei allen anderen Nachrichten nur vibriert?
ich würde gerne mein Handy (IPhone) so einstellen, dass es bei eingehenden Anrufen (WhatsApp und Telefon) laut klingelt und bei allen anderen Nachricht nur vibriert.
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Danke schon mal im voraus
Liebe Grüße Lena
Telephone: Settings, sounds & haptics and set accordingly there
WhatsApp: there you have to look in its settings
thank you for your answer, but I have already looked through and tried everything and did not find the right one.
I can, if so, put all incoming messages and calls on sound or vibrate all messages and calls on.
I can only adjust for the individual apps that my phone rings or vibrates loudly or does not make any sound or haptics at all.
I would like to set my phone so that every notification I get from an app vibrates my phone and every call I get, my phone always rings loudly.
For the phone app I described it to you. There you can also prohibit the sounds of the Apple apps.
I don’t use WhatsApp.
If other third-party apps don’t offer a mute alarm, that’s the way.