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2 years ago

Here are some references to his opinion on religion:

A conscience is right in its own way by accommodating nature and religion with diabolical sophistication. Religiousness is nothing but sacred fog, which is to fulfill thoughtless and fools with fear, and to keep the plague in its midst. That is whyFranzthe words of Scripture and knows to abuse Bible passages (IV, 2) in a shameful manner.

Source: Characterization Franz Moor – Die Räuber – Friedrich Schiller (

I cannot cite text passages as documents.

2 years ago

He focuses on himself and does not have it so much with responsibility ethics. When he has the feeling of being pushed back by his father, he makes his own laws. This makes him stand outside the state and social order. This will be very clear in the second scene of the first file:

  • Karl feels enraged by “this intensifying succulum”, he prefers to read history of “big people”.
  • He despises all people as “false, hypocritical crocodile brood”,
  • “Let’s move from me sympathy and human protection”
  • “I want to make a terrifying dispersion”
  • “I am your captain! And happiness to the Master among you, who is most scorned, is most grievous, for I say to you that he shall be rewarded kingly”


I have taken this from the following overview, which may help even more. Because this guy changes over time and leaves his radical starting position: