Wie steht ihr zur Digitalisierung in unserer Zeit findet ihr es zu viel oder richtig?

Also mit dieser KI, befürchte ich dass viele Menschen ihren Job verlieren werden.

Theoretisch kann man doch filme nur mit KI erstellen…ohne Schauspieler ohne alles….macht das noch Sinn?

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1 month ago

Humanity is not prepared for digitalization, even from its world view and its emotion as people!

That is why it will be a huge challenge to have grown this millennium task!

Artificial intelligence will intervene in areas of human life and end the life of each individual from the still living stone age man, the hunter and collector!

This will have an impact on human mental and physical health! You just think about our children! Even today in 2025, the childhood of a small person looks different from the beginning of the new millennium in 2000! So children are barely playing today and sitting in front of their smartphones for hours a day! With unjustified effects on her psyche and generally on her brain!

The good old time is over! She’s not coming back! If I only think about my beautiful childhood with hours of playing in the free nature mti my many friends all year round! This is also the past! Nowadays there are no more playful children! I often wonder, tell me where the children are, where did they stay?

I see a new time coming, which I am concerned about, as people are literally overwhelmed by it and meet her too uncritically! How the world will look in a hundred years, I don’t think about it!

This is the only way to hope! Hope for a beautiful new world!

1 month ago

I think it’ll be too much at some point. We make ourselves quite dependent on the technique and conciliation will also play a role.

A good example is my work. I’ve been working in the office for 40 years.

Initially there were still mechanical typewriters, then electric, then electric with memory, then the first PCs came with DOS, then with Windows. All this has made office life much easier, but also cost jobs. I’m doing the job today in 4 days a week, which used to take 2 full-time and half-day power.

On the other hand, they had communication and contact with real people. If you run a hotline, you spoke to a person. Often they knew each other after a while.

As a rule, an employment agent came by the employment office if he wanted to convey someone – he was only responsible for our industry and knew all the appropriate employers in our city.

Training took place offline, while the breaks were able to exchange experiences.

We all had names. Today, every worker has some number, the name is secondary.

Training is often only available online.

The hotlines are now replaced by an AI to ask the question. Lastly, I was asked to ask her questions and to rate the answer to rate the AI.m (“fck you”).

I’m sent to a link that points to nothing. For the question where I find the file, I had to arrange a retrieval date online, which is then in 5 days. Why don’t you just send me the file?

If digitalization would improve the quality of work, it would still be in order. It’s not like that. Colleagues sometimes don’t get sick money for weeks because there’s still a clearing case in the health insurance system. They’ll come to me because they know that I’m standing on the roof.

Otherwise, my work becomes more and more boring.

AI films are definitely entertaining for some, rather not for me. There’s something missing.

1 month ago

It is practical

1 month ago

What is so beautiful: what is feasible is done. Just wonders take longer.

So it’s irrelevant whether I’m going too fast if I don’t, it’s another one.

1 month ago

Not too much, but some are concerned too much about it, they could use their time more usefully.

1 month ago

Hello, Andersbeliebt. 😊

Can I even understand you?

Who needs artificial intelligence?

Our digital world is already a good step forward, it is no longer possible without………

However…… the question arises: “Who are we even needed? How does this affect business life?

We’ll see……

In this sense, greetings, cordially renate. 😊