Wie steht ihr zu Energy Drinks?
Gerne mit ausführlichen Begründungen. 🙂
Gerne mit ausführlichen Begründungen. 🙂
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Ich habe gehört das Milben in jedem Textil sind Matratzen usw
Because it is a fashion drink specifically designed for the addiction behavior of young people. While it makes others rather cold. But it is also the real risk of underestimating the potential danger of addiction and the associated health risks, as well as individual self-examination. This makes energy drinks so unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
The people who are particularly dangerous and who are particularly concerned are quickly losing an overview of the actual amount and their consumption behaviour. Who is to control all this? As a result, the health risks are hardly discarded.
In the end, the search potential is uncalculably high, especially among children and young people.
Thanks for the detailed comment. :
Personally, I’ve never used an energy drink before in my life, so I’m not sure if that was really so healthy. Once I got into my nose the stupid “Gummib bear smell” and I was sure it can’t be healthy.
I like to drink tea with honey.
Unfortunately, I am not speaking out of experience to be able to prove such an argument somehow. I don’t necessarily have specialist knowledge about it, but I’m sure everyone should decide what they consume. It may be less harmful in small quantities and in rare consumption than in higher and more frequent consumption.
May someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Thank you for your comment. :
first you have to clearly differentiate: what energy drink?
Talk about the classic like redbull, monsters, etc. is also not easy to answer this question. It is definitely not healthy, but also not mandatory harmful to health.
It will not be harmful to health until you carry out this for many years. If you drink 10 energys every day for 20 years, this will probably develop a long-term sequence. If you only drink once a year 10 pieces a day, you will be very tasty, but per se not directly harmful to health. When we talk about a healthy person, it looks quite different again at the fore-patient.
You must also see advantages of such a drink:
I can only partially understand this “energy bashing”. Sugar flakes and also caffeine. But also here: caffeine is safe to measure. There are energy drinks, away from Red Bull and Co.
There are energy drinks that consist entirely of plant mixtures. Here again you can definitely speak of healthy. A very good example is “Infused energy”. Try to look at each other.
There is nothing against caffeine consumption. It just depends on which medium you take this. You can take up caffeine healthy or not. Just like with cigarettes: not the nicotine is the dangerous thing about the cigarette, but all the other substances that stand in the combustion.
Wow, thanks for the very detailed and helpful comment. :
Basically not recommended, then prefer to drink a tea.
But as with so many “unhealthy” foods, no one kills.
Thanks for the reason. :
I think I’d rather have a tea. :
Unhealthy (sugar, caffeine, taurine, chemical additives). Especially for children and young people.
Thanks for the comprehensible justification. :
Caffeine, taurine is not unhealthy. Chemical additives are not necessarily. Main thing not overconsuming
The dose makes the poison. Especially for children, they are generally unsuitable! You can lead to heart problems. Young people often do not deal responsibly with energy drinks or alcohol and sometimes combine it.
The sugar in the energy drink promotes overweight, diabetes, caries, an ill-populated intestine, a bad immune system.
Yes. They promote allergies.
I see Energydrinks as a symptom of a sick society in which everyone thinks to have to sprinkle in order to be able to meet the excessive requirements for which many people are not made at all.
I don’t really like
I correct: it doesn’t even taste.
It is his subjective feeling, but you cannot argue in this case.
Okay, thanks for the reason.
The one that, the others that…
Well, yes.
I’ve been drinking Energy Drinks since my 18th year
But let us finally get away from it 🙂
Hello greedy!
If they were only drunk in very small quantities, I might still agree. but is often not the case
For example, Red Bull is potentially harmful at least in the amount. Red Bull is not a drug. In these, interactions are precisely investigated before the release, but unfortunately, energy drinks are not or at least insufficiently the case.
It is the combination of taurine, caffeine and other ingredients that can make the risk. Red Bull is also flying health. And if she lands again is the next question.
The harmfulness of Taurine is also discussed in sport, beautiful day
Thanks for the comprehensible and detailed explanation. :
Are energy drinks healthy or unhealthy?
The most important thing in the near future: If you drink large amounts of energy drink in a short time, you risk health problems. It is believed that the combination of caffeine with other ingredients in Energy Drinks is a special risk for heart health.
Energy Drinks: Health risk for many drinkers
Thanks for the good reason. :
I don’t see any reason to report you.
Because you’re strict with me?
I didn’t report you. Why?
Strange coincidence I think you’ve read here?
No, why should I report you?
Have reported me now because I even got positive ratings from Emma Community Manager.
It git so many trolls and spammers here I think you should look there and not finish users who want to help.
Like I said. I can save lives at work. Here I am to write answers.
So if I even got compliments from the support myself then this is certainly not so badly so I could even save some lives because I had enough to do with suicide myself.
Just saving a life here alone, then I’m happy.
I don’t want to title her as bad. You have many good answers. But professionally, copying and inserting without your own text is certainly not.
If you mean my volunteer daily work here is too bad then
and I negate my professional work then do it but pride comes before the case.
Now you’re already sentenced to professional help so well I didn’t even hang me in as a managing director at a jewelry company, it’s still possible.
Doesn’t matter. I know her too.
Ask the Jenny here from GF who knows me for a long time.
If you don’t know, don’t answer. Easy.
You think we all know about 10000 answers in mind is still active about the 9 years here.
If you’re researching it.
Yes in this case, however, there is only one link and the copyed text. This is not exactly desired either.
You can mix everything personal, googlen or other search options
and, in some cases, only one source only does not have to put the link in it, yes.
The personal is also on a good question. It’s not Wikipedia.
Most questions you can all Googlen but for that you are too lazy or want to write here personally in the forum.
Yeah, that’s right. But the questioner could have done that too.
Well, if you say the source, you can do that.
You just copied it….
They taste good.
Eclige sugar shower without any physiological value.
Depends on power, only cleanse unnecessarily and is full of sugar!
Thanks for the reason. :
Never drank that before!
… it tastes disgusting, unnecessary and expensive.