What is your opinion on alcohol in youth?
I think it's terrible when 16- or 15-year-olds get drunk at parties. I have zero tolerance for alcohol there.
I think it's terrible when 16- or 15-year-olds get drunk at parties. I have zero tolerance for alcohol there.
Hello, some of you may recognize me from my last post two days ago. Today, things escalated between my mother and me, and she told me I should move (away). So I packed my things and am currently on my way to my friends' house in the next town. Anyway, my mother just texted me…
Manche Rapper machen ja codein in Sprite und das wird dann so lila. Wie viel muss man von beidem zusammen rein tun? Und was passiert wenn man zu viel nimmt? Gibt es da eine Menge wo es noch relativ Risiko gering ist haha?
Can I still drink the champagne from last night even though it was left uncooled in my room?
Both alcohol and kratom are beneficial, and both place roughly the same strain on the liver.
Since I don’t take drugs, I can’t understand why many people normalize alcohol so much and some title me as losers, as according to their statements you miss something if you don’t celebrate and have sex with someone else all the time, because you wouldn’t enjoy your life in full. You don’t miss anything and live healthier when you don’t celebrate and don’t have sex with someone else all the time. I’m still very happy.
Good name
Thank you. Perfect for the government.
What you say was never written like that. It’s a pity that you’re turning statements to stylise yourself.
Positive is your abstinence of drugs 👍
I find it bad at all ages. And you should be able to celebrate without alcohol. There is no objection to a beer or a glass of wine. But if it becomes a prerequisite for happiness, something is wrong.
Don’t be so spicy! Whoever does not live in his youth misses what! I say that has never been in life (56 years up to date)! I find it important that every young person is informed about drugs. Then the mind knows that no person needs alcohol.
There is now. And he’s a legal drug for 18 years old. So one should be educated by parents around the environment to celebrate even without Alk. Yeah. You just have to know his limits.
I’m not a spider, they’re supposed to let go, for me that’s not when I see how they behave the next day. If you drink beer and still “sober” is from me. I think that’s what I think. It is only possible if 2x of the ambulance must come per week because of an alcohol contamination.
2x the ambulance must come per week because of an alcohol grounded.
Well, if it happens once, I’ll be at the most pitiful: “Don’t worry. Hopefully you learn from it.” If it happens twice a week with the same person, I would be very worried as a mother.
Well – in fact, certain alcohol in Germany may even be consumed from 14 under certain conditions and this is available from 16 onwards. Only for the rest applies from 18. From this I find that the sellers of this legal drug must also be more involved in the obligation to respect these age limits. Especially (but not only) in smaller shops, the Youth Protection Act is unfortunately often not worth the paper on which it stands.
Between “knowing his boundaries” and “running” I also see a difference.
I would make great worries about myself as a mother: what the hell did I do wrong!
Usually this is forbidden to bring the u18-year-old with alcohol into confrontation. Be it as if for under 18 years old alcohol is a “illegal drug” – illegal because of age and drug because it is. Just like smoking. It doesn’t matter what you smoke – it hurts the lung and the body.
Just like playing around with your smartphone at night or later. This keeps awake and destroys your own sleep rhythm.
It’s okay if adolescents try it for a short time with the alcohol- maybe half a glass and then again with 18 or older… but it’s not okay when they grow up at the age. If people find it okay, they’re just a shame.
And there is also that you can become addicted after everything! This goes relatively fast and creepy. I know from my own experience.
But it is allowed from 16 onwards, regardless of your moral consideration.
Almost – what is legally available from 16 is even allowed from 14 (under certain conditions).
U 18 – but we don’t talk about Germany, do we?
As someone finds, so what he has for an opinion is not the subject. It is bad that in today’s time it is more and more concerned to believe in-formed opinions because one does not want to be noticed.
It is important – not only in terms of alcohol during the ripening period – to acquire sound knowledge and to come to your own opinion based on this knowledge.
In a few years to say, “I didn’t know that,” does not protect against the bad consequences of alcohol for the unripe body.
Zero tolerance probably brings exactly that: zero. Probably on the contrary. I would rather be able to completely tilt the border 14 and control the 16s more strictly. As long as alcohol is basically legal, it only increases the stimulus. Enlightenment, if necessary Accompaniment, the good old “good example” – all kind of a bit similar to the production of media literacy in children/young people – from my point of view would be a duty of parents (and in parts also of society).
It’s normal. Let the young people have fun. It is only important that we clarify the dangers. Only forbidden will no young people
Many exaggerate, that’s true. A few beers aren’t discardable, I think. The worst are these mixes that the young people drink, the bang right and are absolutely not good for the body. Brain power is slowed and liver values are not better.
Try it, preferably in a framework that makes it equally clear that alcohol is an exception and in the company of parents I find OK.
From 16 you can drink quite legal wine, champagne udn beer, with enlightenment and careful handling there are no problems.
Prohibited things are quite attractive and then at the first fairy the same thing that holds the stuff.
Could be, but honestly I’ve read years ago that alcohol is allowed in – whatever quantity – only from 18 years ago. I don’t know why that was changed…
If it wasn’t, that was always the case in D. Under supervision, even from 14 onwards, I have read.
What is probably in your mind is the ban on mixed drinks (with high percentage) for young people. At the age limits nothing has changed…. at least in Germany.
Better, you’re starting with 21/22 years. Before that, I have the feeling that it slows the development a little.
from 16 it is legal
That’s what I see.
Gastronomy and merchants who have to sell this must be severely penalized, as well as the full-year “Cumple” who will give them the alcohol!
Letting full run is of course nix. But try out is almost everyone at the age.
I feel bad too.
Unfortunately, however, the opinion is that without alcohol no fun. Without alcohol, it’s just a child party. or or or.
There you are absolutely right
a bottle liquor per day keeps the doctor away
I think that’s okay.