Wie steht es um eure Finanzstruktur?
Habt ihr ein Konto zum Leben und ein anderes wo etwas mehr Geld drauf ist?
Z. b. auf das Lebenskonto wird per Differenzbetrag wird zum Monatsende auf 1000€ aufgefüllt, wenn dann mal die Karte geklaut wird oder sonstige Dinge passieren, ist der Schaden nicht zu groß.
Current account (content input)
of which only the fixed costs remain in the account
Rest goes partly to the daily money account (Notgroschen)
partly in the depot to save ETF
partly to a second current account, from which I contest the cost of living
99% of my assets are invested in the capital market.
1 account for private everything possible
1 account with my partner (to eat for apartment and so on)
1 account for my own business
1 savings book
1 Depot for shares I no longer use, I still have to redeem
1 depot for all my shares
1 deposit for shares running on my name but are extra
joa das war’s 😂
The amount of damage does not depend on your balance, but on the credit limit of the card.
I have a current account, then a KI Robo advisor, a Deka fund that I will soon dissolve, a Neo Broker. Then precious metals. Think that’s enough…