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Wellensittich Grünzeug?
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Binding arises with time. Through shared experiences and when the dog realizes that you are a “guiding person”. So if he can expect protection from you if he has the impression that you know what you do, that you meet right decisions, etc.
Bonding is not obtained by food or treats or by any “alpha-behavior”. Be a good and reliable friend of your dog and show him that he can trust you in any situation. Then the rest comes by itself.
Interacting with the dog and proves you to be reliable and sovereign.
This can be everything from simple caring to simple subordination to professional sports. Take the dog, get a team.
By only feeding him at fixed times and also by hand. That’s what I think. Don’t just bang the bowl. Take a party with your dog during your meal. That’s all the more happy.
The fewest dogs like that. Feed is a basic need that my dog simply gets and can eat in peace. She doesn’t want a party and no contact.
No, my dogs get their food quite normal in the bowl and don’t have to work for it. They also get wet food. It’s just leaks.
UHU should be good.
But not the liquid