Wie stark kurzsichtig seid ihr?
Tragt ihr lieber Brille oder Kontaktlinsen und inwieweit stört euch die Kurzsichtigkeit im Alltag?
Tragt ihr lieber Brille oder Kontaktlinsen und inwieweit stört euch die Kurzsichtigkeit im Alltag?
Hey, habe gemerkt dass ich meine Periode bekomme. Hab was in der Unterhose gesehen. Auf jeden Fall frag meine Mutter mich auf einmal ob ich meine Tage hab, weiß sie meinte dass das sie vlt was in der Unterhose gesehen hat. Sie hat erzählt (weil ich versucht habe das auszuwaschen) ob ich es ihr nicht…
Hallo. Mich würde mal interessieren, ob andere hier ähnliche Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen haben. In den letzten Wochen und Monaten stelle ich immer öfter fest, dass Produkte nicht mehr essbar sind, obwohl sie alle noch lange vor MHD Ablauf sind und oft gerade erst frisch aus dem Geschäft sind. In nur wenigen Wochen verteilt habe ich…
ich habe schon 1 woche nicht masturbiert wieso jucken meine Hoden so
Kann man Eiterpickel ausdrücken oder verschlimmert es das ganze.
Hallo, ich weiß nicht ob ich hier richtig bin und ich weiß auch nicht, ob es hierher gehört, aber ich habe mal eine Frage. ich habe seit April 2022 bis heute ungefähr 15 Kilo abgenommen und auch nicht mehr zugenommen, dazu kommt das ich einfach kein Hungergefühl habe (das abnehmen war nicht beabsichtigt), ich bin…
Heyho, hab mir jetzt Kontaktlinsen mit Stärke geholt, weil ichs schick fand und es keinen mega Preisunterschied gemacht hat, hab ich mir auch gleich Farbige bestellt, dabei handelt es sich um Monatskontaktlinsen. Trage die nun seit ca. einer Woche immer so bis zu 10 Stunden und nun ist mir aufgefallen das an einem Auge (das…
Last year it was with me -5 on the left eye and -6 on the right eye. It’s probably worse now. I hope that ends once 🙈
I wear more glasses, but also occasionally contact lenses. But only one glasses for car driving. The driving school was the main reason for the purchase. The glasses are quite thick, which is why the glasses unfortunately often slip. The thinner glasses were too expensive to me 🥲
With this strength I found the further increase only annoying and frustrating. High refractive spectacle lenses are really needed and are just better off with contact lenses.
Thank you for the star! ⭐
I’m already at -8 diopters and I prefer to use contact lenses. Without correction, I’m pretty lost in bad light. Good luck!
I only have -0.25 and -0.5 and a corneal curvature. In everyday life, I actually get quite right without glasses, but in any case they need to drive in the dark, also notice that I need them more and more.
I clearly prefer glasses as contact lenses, as I think I look better with glasses.
I wear (soft) contact lenses and glasses alternating, depending on what I do or anticipate. At work on the screen, I get better with the glasses because you sometimes forget the blinking and contact lenses can get dry quickly, which is unpleasant. When it comes to sports or even leisure activities, I prefer to wear contact lenses because I have full freedom of movement and all-round vision and do not have to be afraid to lose my glasses or to break it. Right now in winter, I don’t have to prank with beating glasses and in summer I can wear different sunglasses over the lenses, depending on the pleasure and mood. If you wear lenses, you always need a replacement glasses. I’ve been wearing both for so long that my short-sightedness no longer disturbs me.
I’m fine with my glasses in everyday life. I’ve never tried contact lenses.
However, I am disturbed that I now need a reading glasses because I can no longer see the “normal” glasses in the vicinity sharp. The glasses change is really annoying. Eyeglasses are so expensive.
Have tried long-term contact lenses warn cheap model ham liker hornhaut were kind of annoying
but rather the brand you use
ne glasses is for me personally easier because this whole eye drops (through the contact lenses) kind of annoying uf duration is.
and well it affects so without goggles only that I sometimes erroneously coordinate myself subconsciously, logically, if you don’t see where they are eig.
L4,5 and R5 dioptriene and
3 years ago
L0.25 R 1 Dioptriene. I wear glasses and I try not to sit much on the phone anymore or if I have to make a PowerPoint presentation on the PC for example then,
each 15 min bite the eyes relax, also drink enough water and eat a lot of vitamin A.
Can’t touch anything because my eyes are different.
Nervt me extremely.
One of my greatest wishes is to have good eyes.
That was at least my last standing two years ago. 😉
Probably changed again.
I don’t think it’s so bad, but I can see people and things that are farther away.
Something between 10 and 14, both eyes slightly different.
Wow, that’s a lot!
Yes. Somehow the value seems to have fallen, now I’m at 9-10.
-3.25 Dioptrics are no longer without glasses.
I always wear my glasses. The short-sightedness bothers me in everyday life, because I also see badly with glasses:( Must be back to the ophthalmologist
I’ve got -3,5/-4 dioptrics and I’ve been wearing glasses forever. I got used to handling the glasses quite quickly and didn’t find it bad to wear them.
Glasses for 30 years. There are situations where it’s annoying, but I got used to it. Feel me naked without glasses
-0.75 on both eyes. But you have to say that I only have my glasses for half a year, so it will probably get worse.
The short-sightedness does not bother me in everyday life, but the constant care and cleaning of the glasses already.
With increasing short-sightedness, I will then probably switch to contact lenses…
Addendum: As expected at the time, the short-sightedness has continued to progress, quite quickly. I am now with L: -1,75 and R: -2,00 with astigmatism. I wear the glasses now permanently.
Fun Fact by the way: Before the short-sightedness was detected with me, I was actually far-sighted at +0.25 L and +0.50 R. But never had glasses for it, because I honestly didn’t even notice it.
So I see everything very blurred even with glasses I see things that are somewhat far away blurred
On both eyes 6 + angle vision. Joa, stop glasses. Has only disadvantages:D
I have -13,25 and -14,25
Krass. Can you describe what you see without glasses?
It sounds like hell. I always thought I was bad. Real pity 🙁
I’m just seeing everything blurred. I can’t recognize people and if I read, for example, I always have to crawl close to the book and eyes to recognize something. I can also not see street signs or lanterns
And on an eye. I don’t need reading glasses. The partial short-sightedness is thus actually an advantage.
Better wear glasses than contact lenses.
Rightly disturbing in everyday life I wouldn’t say directly now.But sometimes it annoys when the glasses hit or you don’t recognize in the swimming pool / sauna.
I have -12 and -11 and corneal -2,.. and have contact lenses since last year and is mega with it
I have -9 Dioptrics
I have -7 Dioptrics
I am slightly short-sighted, but I have always been able to compensate for this without glasses.