Wie stand der Nationalsozialismus zur Kirche?

In meiner Facharbeit „Mythen im NS – Ersatzreligion oder Anknüpfung an die deutsche Geschichte?“ gehe ich auf das Verhältnis des NS-Regimes mit der Kirche ein. Ich finde oft widersprüchliche Antworten.

Auch stellt sich mir die Frage, um auf meine Facharbeitsfrage zurückzukommen, ob es sich bei der NS-Ideologie nicht auch um eine Art Religion handeln könnte? Auch, ob sich die Nationalsozialisten Mythen und Heldensagen bedienten, um die nicht vorhandene „deutsche“ Geschichte aufzufüllen, um ihrer Ideologie eine Geschichte und ein Fundament zubauen.

Ich hoffe, es ist verständlich, worauf ich hinaus will.

Falls jemand generelle Ideen zu meiner Facharbeitsfrage hat, dann auch gerne her damit, denn ich fühle mich in der Fülle der Thematik etwas verloren.

Danke 🙂

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2 years ago

“The Nazis and Religion”

Runes, occultism and German-Volk Christianity. Odin or Wotan: The main god of Nordic mythology is often called the main god of the Nazis’ racist-mythological world.

Even today, right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis are still pilgering into old Viking sites and worshiping the Nordic myths. With the idealization of the “old Germans” the Nazis created a fictional counter-history – historical evidence for a uniform, Germanic high culture is not yet available….

The so-called Völkian movement not only brought together nationalist, anti-Semitic and anti-liberal thoughts, but also occult and spiritualist currents that flourished around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. As part of the so-called ariaosophy, esoteric elements were introduced into the racist ideology. Esoteric tendencies of major NS politicians such as Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Heß and the leading NS ideologist Alfred Rosenberg are known and documented….

The leaders of the Nazis had a teaching of salvation, which was deliberately used as a countercurrent to Christianity. Forms of a classic, so-called “replacement religion” are recognizable: substitute cults are placed in the place of Christian life festivals (e.g. baptism, firmation/confirmation, mourning). On the other hand, elements of the so-called German-Folk Christianity were deliberately integrated into the ideology….


Hitler hated P*affen, according to his adjudicator of Below. Himmler did not want to confess Christians in the SS.

The Nazis tolerated the churches if they were not leaning against the regime. The German Christians was also very fitting. The Catholic Church saved herself with a Concord.


Only the Nazis came open Professional Church up. Hundreds of priests were arrested.

In May 1936, she directed a secret doctrine to Hitler, who went far beyond church policy issues. The doctrine pranged the arrest of confessional priests, but also the existence of
Concentration camps(KZ) in general and the terror of
Secret State Police(Gestapo) and explicitly rejected the “national socialist outlook” and the state
Anti-Semitism. After the notion became public abroad, the second “preliminary church management” was known in a pulpit announcement on 30th. August 1936 also in Germany. A wave of arrests for treason was the result. In 1937, nearly 800 parish priests and church lawyers were brought to court.


2 years ago

It becomes contradictory only when you ask the churches themselves. They still do not recognise their significant participation in the spread of NS ideology.

The majority of Christian churches (evangelical and Catholic) were divided into two groups in the NS ideology: the German Christians and the confessional Church.

Not only did the German Christians not only themselves imagine the NS ideology, but were themselves a significant part of the NS ideology. They propaganded about Hitler and the persecution of Jews in worship services, suspended religious buildings with NS flags and lashes and actively encouraged to join the NSDAP, the HJ and the BDM.

The German Christians made up more than 95% of all communities, while only the fewest joined the professional church. A well-known follower of the professional church was Dietrich Bonnhoefer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Plincheeee

The German Christians made more than 95% of all communities

I can’t imagine that, because the confessing church belonged to 1/3 of all the Protestant priests.

By January 1934, around 7,000 priests joined him about a third of the Protestant priests in the German Empire.

In 1937, nearly 800 parish priests and church lawyers were brought to court.


If you like to show your finger on the church. Forget about this is that no one professional association made itself strong for its Jewish members.

2 years ago

Church under the Hook Cross – YouTube

Here, a very nice video for this

2 years ago

Hitler was Catholic only on paper, for he held nothing of Christian values such as charity (especially church). His murderous and devotional behavior was incompatible with Christianity at all. For tactical reasons, Hitler has not escaped from the church, as a result of which he first secured votes and later, among other things, back cover from the churches. The only thing that Hitler really believed was that it was the Jews whose worldwide conspiracy is owed to all or at least to the greatest part of the unhappiness of this world and must be extinguished without consideration. Children, women, young and old!

In some respects, church-faith Protestant Christians were particularly difficult to gain a critical relationship with Hitler and the Nazi state, because in the German Protestantism of the Weimar period, a strong sympathy was for anti-democratic, anti-liberal, nationalist, nationalist, nationalist, (at least subliminarily) anti-Semitic, authoritarian-objective, leader-related and military-like attitudes of almost normal One compares only the democratically elected German Social Democracy to its refusal to approve Hitler’s empowerment law. Although Christians possessed the ideology-critical antidotum of Scripture and confession, the history of the Church of this time, especially since August 1914, shows how easily Bible and confession could come to manipulating and ideologising access and how impeccable they were rendered serviceable to a nationalist or even völkish religion. The culpable entanglement of evangelical Christians, the specifically religious susceptibility to fascist and völkic ideologies, as it becomes evident in 1933, begins long before 1914 and extends beyond 1945. These were long-term and active conditions, continuous and at the same time variable church-theological forms of thought, mentalities and structures.

2 years ago

Search for the terms “Berufde Kirche” and “Deutsche Christen”, but also for the Reichskonkordat.

2 years ago

How did he stand for the church? Disgusting. However, he hadn’t been able to say anything big at the beginning, that should come later.

2 years ago
Reply to  adelaide196970

In fact, the churches spread the NS ideology.

2 years ago
Reply to  Plincheeee

Many organizations did that at the time. The church was only one among many and by far not the worst.

2 years ago
Reply to  Plincheeee

it is now about how the NS state stood to the church and not how the church stood to the NS state

2 years ago

Enlightenment is not a rush.

Are we supposed to let the past go?

2 years ago

But that is also no reason to lift their participation in order to fight against the Church and the faithful

2 years ago

This does not mean that their participation is relative.