Wie spricht man das “v” im spanischen aus?
Ich lerne gerade spanisch und weiß nicht wie man diesen buchstaben ausspricht.
Ich hab gerade eine Diskussion gehabt und jemand äußerte sich um meinte dass „Autisten nicht viele Sprachen sprechen können weil es sie überfordert. Vorallem Kinder müssen nur mit einer Sprache aufwachsen“ Was sagt ihr dazu?
Warum sagen das Deutsche?
Hallo erik, morgen hat der Emilian Geburtstag und wir feiern in Bingen flummykand ab 15:30 könnt ihr gerne kommen wenn ihr wollt
V is spoken in Spanish as the b is spoken out in Spanish. B can be pronounced harder or softer, and the V itself is the same. You can consider them identical. There was a difference in the debate, but today only the two different letters are left.
For example, it does not make a difference for the debate whether you write vino like bino, or get like berde, or verga like berga.
Similarly, it would not make a difference in German for the debate whether you write a bird or fogel. It’s the same sound, it’s just wrong in writing.
B and v Verden no longer distinguished in Spanish since the late Middle Ages and both expressed as /b/. In addition, the letter w, which was included in the alphabet only last century, is added, as far as the word does not sound English.
How this /b/ is now articulated depends on its position:
… like a w or a mixture of w and b
Like a “w.”
All say like b
That’s wrong. And also a w is pronounced in Spanish as a b, as long as not escaped from English. There is no German w in the Spanish debate.