Wie spielt man den Akkord G Dur?
Hey, ich lerne grade mit meinem Opa Akkorde und er meinte das man G Dur so spielt:
e: 3 Bund
b: 3 Bund
g: 0
d: 0
a: 2 Bund
e: 3 Bund
Es gibt aber auch Leute die sagen man Spiel G Dur so:
e: 3 Bund
b: 0
g: 0
d: 0
a: 2 Bund
e: 3 Bund
Kann mir jemand sagen wie man diesen Akkord denn jetzt spielt????
Go both. Both are a full-fledged G major.
Okay, then I know,
The first variant is also referred to as G5 chord and frequently used in rock music.
It’s not a G5. It’s like terz.
It’s a question of style. with Terz it is more folky, without rocky because Powerchord. You can also damp the A string with the middle finger.
Yes I have heard
so most play it in beginners level
Is it bad if I play it as my grandpa says?Find it so much more pleasant.
Be both. Have a slightly different character and it does not hurt to be able to use both.
you can do as you want, most people find the only easier I sent
I grab it: E=Ringfinger A=Medium finger e= Small finger. Then I still have the index finger free to get on the b/h string in the 1st. to be able to grip
I will
Ok thank you!!!