Wie spiele ich Sims4 auf einer anderen Festplatte?

Ich habe auf meinem Laptop zwei Festplatten und möchte, dass mein Spiel auf der anderen gespeichert wird. Leider habe ich null Ahnung davon. Mein Spiel läuft über Origin.

Eine Anleitung wäre nett 🙂

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7 years ago

Jop… and the game is not allowed to run next door.

7 years ago
Reply to  BadzyBell

Sorry wrong thread 😂

8 years ago

You have to do the following:

You go to Computer

Then on the local disk (C:)

Then on “user”

Then there are 2 folders called “Open” and one with your name, you go to the one with your name

Then in the folder “Other documents”

Then on “Electronic Arts”

Then on “The Sims 4”

And then there must be a folder called “saves”, there are your saved play levels on it.

This folder you draw to your desired hard drive, best first on a USB stick, then it’s a bit clearer

And then the same step only that you replaced the “saves” folder on the other hard drive

7 years ago
Reply to  Miiranndaa

jop… and the game can’t run next door.