Wie soll man 2 Liter Wasser trinken?
Wie schafft man es immer PRO Tag 2 Liter zu trinken? Ich meine, ich trinken wenn ich Durst habe, heute habe ich nur paar Schlückchen getrunken mehr aber auch nicht, weil halt kein Durst?
Trinkt ihr, wenn ihr Durst habt oder zwingt ihr euch?
If I’m honest, I’ll drink about 1.5 l of mineral water per day, but only glasses. There are also 2 to 4 large cups of coffee. I have done more green tea in the future instead of drinking coffee. In the case of mineral water, Gerolsteiner can sometimes not harm a bottle, as it contains the distinctly most minerals, i.e. a small healthy well.
Cola I like to drink very much, but only one bottle on the weekend, as it takes away minerals from the body.
I drink when I think about it or thirst, I usually make 1-1,5l and in the food is liquid, everything fits.
It helps if the drink tastes delicious, only tap water will get me, no matter how good it is, also oed.
Actually, I only drink tap water, maybe that’s the reason. What with taste would be nice, but unhealthy.
Lemon juice in sprout water I don’t think so bad…
I drink when I’m thirsty, and about 4 liters a day.
Hello, Severus132.
Actually, I drink whenever I’m thirsty.
However, I see that I can make 1.5 l a day. There are other drinks, not just water.
I personally don’t drink water. I compose this with coffee ☕️ and Cola light.
Greetings, Renate.
Hello Severus132, 👋
by drinking something regularly.
I always have a glass bottle
with 🐻liner Kranenberger standing next to me
where I’m right now.
If she’s empty, I’ll just fill her up.
I always have them on the way.
You shouldn’t wait for thirsty,
but also without thirst 💦💦💦.
No. I’m not waiting so long.
until I thirsty, because if you thirsty
the body has too little fluid.
No. I don’t have to force myself.
After getting up I drink a thick
Pott delicious tea and then a thick
Potty delicious coffee. Otherwise I drink
almost only 🐻liner Kranenberger. 💦💦💦💦💦
Sometimes also carrot juice 🥕, tomato juice, 🍅
with water💦strongly diluted fruit juice, 🍎
or 🥕🥕 vegetable juice. 🥕🍋
LG 🙋🏻
Some help to make 0.5L bottles rather than a 1.5L. Otherwise, if you do something, you’ll have a big drink. After getting up, before the school path/working path on work/in school a small bottle, come back to drink and so on.
You can also drink water without thirst.
Because I’m always thirsty, I’m gonna make the two litres loose by 2:00. I come to at least four litres a day.
1.5 to 2 liters are almost a must. Get used to drinking more, your kidneys thank you.
I drink well 2 liters a day, sometimes more at sports.
Put a timer every 30 minutes and then drink a big sip or you will put a big glass of water back and whenever you come by, you will drink a sip. Just go…….