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1 year ago

Does anyone have good YouTubers for me?

There are good Youtube VIDEOS

But really good youtuber that keeps doing good videos, unfortunately, I’m not known.

These are 2 good videos that I’ve looked at more than 1.5 years ago. Keep a lot of basics.

How much should I invest in trades?

First time you spend a lot of time learning basics. Make yourself tests to check your knowledge level. You don’t need to invest money first. I’d only start after 2-3 months.

Where can I find a mentor?

It’s hard to find someone who can do it well and has time at the same time.

I help people, but I don’t do a 1zu1 coaching, that just takes too much time. But I have also made a kind of “livestream” about discord together with several people, as it makes me just fun to explain it to people and because as I was a beginner, I would have liked the same thing.

In the end, you can create it without a “Mentor”, it only takes much longer because you don’t have a red thread, and don’t know what to learn. That’s what happened to me. I’ve learned garbage for months, etc. but also there you have to say: it is possible! I knew what to do. At some point, everything has been done wrong, and as long as you do not repeat your mistakes, you will win:D The heavy one is only to keep through until then. Round about 90% give up before.

1 year ago
Reply to  NoName898

Look at the videos first.

If I’m ready to help someone, I want to try. I don’t want to waste my time unnecessary.

Most are now unfortunately “Hm, get rich quickly? I’ll do it! “Cool, Dropshipping, I can get rich” …time passes…. “man, that’s so complicated and I made only 50€ turnover in 3 months, I give up”

Like a loser. I don’t like people like that, and I don’t waste my time.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Well, TraderJoe,

You seem to be a real expert. But you obviously won’t be rich with it;-)

So maybe it’s because you…

I could imagine something.

We know each other.

1 year ago
Reply to  karliemeinname

You seem to be a real expert.

Me too.

But you obviously won’t be rich with it;-)

As I said, you can’t start at 10k and in 1 year you are at 100 million. But apparently you are so naive to think that this would be possible 😀

1 year ago

I have seen videos

Not enough.

and also looked at me a day of a trader.

However, such videos do not convey any knowledge unless the trades are at least shown and explained.

I’ve learned that you make a day very minus, but the next day makes a lot plus more than you did minus.

Just in the beginning, this definitely doesn’t look like… I’m afraid you’re getting too naive… mostly people are going to get too naive, the ones that wake up the hardest and then give up.

1 year ago

This is the completely wrong attitude. Not at all. Youtuber can also forget. And you can invest as much as you’re ready to lose.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rango82

Youtuber can also forget.

I learned a lot from Youtube. Just the basics.