Wie soll ich mit Ihm umgehen?
Der Sohn (17)meiner Freundin ist momentan zu besuch bei uns. Bisher hatte ich ein gutes Verhältnis zu ihm. Seit er gestern wieder mal hier ist benimmt der sich respektlos. Er beleidigt mich, macht herabwürdige Aussagen und glaubt er wäre der beste, klügste und der stärkste, weil er angefangen hat zu trainieren. Er macht auch die Frauen runter die können überhaupt nichts. Zu allem kann er nicht mal nicht ruhig sitzen, er muss immer dumme Sprüche laufen lassen und macht selbstgespräche. Meine Freundin sieht das auch und beim Vater verhält er sich auch so. Zu meiner Freundin hingegen ist er einiger massen normal. Normal mit ihm sprechen ist nicht möglich, da er alles ins lächerliche zieht. 10 Tage ist er noch bei uns. So halte ich nicht aus. Was würdet Ihr machen?
If his mother doesn’t point him in his closets or asks for his problems:
I’d like to ask him if he’s got too much anabolic steroids for training or if he’s forgotten his manners in the studio.
He can come back if he remembers where he left them and found them again.
He seeks the challenge of male sex and wants to be turned into his barriers. I think if you’re reluctant here to respect your girlfriend – he has the feeling of winning the fight and will continue to irritate his limits. A thunderstorm can also clean the air.
Throwing out if he can’t behave, talking doesn’t help so he has to learn radically.
I would make him clear which day is today and ask to behave.
I’m sorry.
then throw him out.
It’s just a little use.
then yell at him, yell out loud, and make him clear how fucking he behaves.
I can’t. Girlfriend has something to say. She always talks to him.
Throw him out of your house. You don’t have to get ready for a boy like that.
your girlfriend in front of her son
Tell him again that he should shut his mouth, and if it goes on, tell your girlfriend that she should leave him from the gym to behave again normal.
Show him it’s not like that.
is so
I’ve got a loose way. But still he thinks it would be. 😅
Is it your apartment? Then throw him out.
My friend
She must realize that you don’t have to let that happen to you. The boy is old enough, buy him a ticket and put him in the train to his father.
You have to tell him that.
If it doesn’t get better, we will do that