Wie soll ich meiner Mutter sagen das ich ein neues Handy will?
Hi Leute ich brauche ein neues Handy kann es aber meiner Mutter nicht ins Gesicht sagen. Ich kriege im Monat 300-600 Euro Taschengeld was sehr viel für mich 14 jähriger ist. Ich sehe es nicht als selbstverständlich das sie mir ein neues Handy kaufen soll. Meint ihr es wäre eine gute Option einfach heimlich eins zu bestellen auf Ratenzahlung?
No, if you try, there’s a rejection at the real date of birth, that’s not allowed for minors. And if you’re lying there, you might have another ad.
That would be the best moment to save time, otherwise you will fall on the … later in life when it comes to apartment and food.
It would be a good option to pay it from the pocket money. Talk to your mother and then you buy one.
Just save a few months. Then you can pay it on a blow.
Unfortunately, I am a very unsparable person, and do not get really how much money I get in the month.
good opportunity to learn…
Then it would be slow to change that, don’t you think?
Learn to deal with money. With 14 300-600 Euro pocket money is a heap, so you can easily pay a mobile phone in 2 months.
for what rate payment? buy it in cash
It would be very stupid. Tell her open that you would like to have a new phone, why and how you pay it. With the (extremely high) pocket money you will be able to pay for it yourself.
I am sadly very unsparable, and to whom I tell my mother that I want to buy a phone on installment, she becomes completely mad because she does not hold anything from credits, installments etc.
Then you have to learn to save. Urgent. Otherwise, you’re very quickly indebted as an adult.