Wie soll ich meine E teilen?
Hab ne E mit 280mg. Wiege ca. 65 kg. Soll ich sie vierteln also 70mg oder halbieren also 140mg? Ich weiß nicht ob es bei 70mg verschwändung ist oder nicht. Weil 140 ist schon über 2mg pro kg Körpergewicht. Was glaube ich nicht so vernünftig ist.
The fact that the part contains 280 mg of MDMA is at best a mutation without drug checking. It is not unusual, however, that it is actually a pill which is overdosed in this way. Nevertheless, it should be ensured that MDMA is also present and not any other active substance. This is possible using test kits. Details here: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/
Apart from that, I agree that it would not be reasonable to take half a part if one assumes such a high dosage. A quarter would be less risky. Of course still not unrisk. It should also be borne in mind that the material in the pill can be distributed unevenly, which is why a division of the pill does not have to lead to a corresponding division of the dose. If the part is pre-powdered (compare homogenized), it can be split up better.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks and tips related to the use of MDMA can be found here:
Thanks for powdering, I wouldn’t have come. 🫶
Thanks also ⭐