Wie soll ich lean dosieren?
Hey ich bin 15 und möchte in ein paar Tagen das erste und einzige mal lean probieren. Ich mache mir da aber Sorgen wie viel ich davon trinken soll. Meine homies und ich werden das mit Sprite mischen. Ich möchte ernsthafte antworten und kein tu es nicht weil es nicht gut ist. Ich habe mich informiert und weiß das es nicht gut ist. Deswegen bin ich ja hier um nicht zu viel zu trinken und zu überdosieren. Danke
The problem of specific dose recommendations is that people can react differently to drugs. What a good amount was, can be much too much for others. Like codein. Some people can react to this extremely sensitive genetically.
First psychoactive effects can be noticed in codein in the lower double-digit milligram range. But do you even know how much active ingredient is contained in the lean that your friends have put together? Hopefully you understand how hard it is to dose dise Plörre “right”. In general, one can only say that one takes “too little” than “too much”. Besides, you shouldn’t think about it. It can take a good one to two hours until the effect is full.
Even if you already know, I repeat it again: one can only guess from this dangerous idea. Consumption is risky at all ages. Especially risky but for young people whose physical development has not yet been too advanced.
If you want to talk to someone about your consumption or such concerns, I can advise you to get in touch with experts from a consultancy office. The advice there is always confidential, you are not obligated to anything, and it does nothing. There are also nearby: https://mindzone.info/beratung/
Also here on the platform are consultants who can talk about this. Maybe look at or over.
Good luck!
PS: General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the use of codein can be found here:
Thank you, finally a correct answer. I understand the risks and I will also handle them very carefully. Thanks and beautiful day!
You’re welcome.
Just don’t destroy your life…
Thank you, but it doesn’t matter, say how much I can drink of it
I recommend in any case nd so much I would recommend you catch with a little smaller amount of
How many gaps would that be?
Oh, my child, you’re allowed to know exactly as much as your doctor ordered you. And if you don’t know, the transfer of prescription drugs is a crime.
Don’t play with things that you don’t have a plan, that can really get into your pants…
Okay, let’s take it that I would do it in a few days and then drink too much, overdose and die because nobody can answer my question. Thank you for protecting me, really nice, but some things can’t be stopped. Maybe I don’t do it, but maybe I do.
The dosage of drugs can be read by means of the so-called supplemental note under the heading “dosing”.
Yes but I would like to try it as a drug and not as cough juice
As a drug? Ahja… Facepalm.
The age was about the whole time 😭
I do not support any drugs and drug abuse. Bye…
Okay, then I’m going to get a joint, just tell me how much you can drink if you mix codein with sprit
Many coughing agents contain psychoactive agents which can be abused in high doses as drugs. These include, for example, codein, dextromethorphan and antihistamines. Due to the possible undesirable effects and the danger of addiction, abuse is urgently advised.
That’s why you drink it. It makes a high as weed and so