Wie soll ich den Bauch meiner Katze bürsten?

Wewr eine Katze hat, weiß, dass man regelmäßig das Fell bürsten soll. Meine Katze lääst mich jedoch nur an ihren Rücken und die Seiten ran, sobald ich versuche mit der Bürste den Bauch zu bürsten, greift meine Katze sofort an, sie schnappt sich meine Hand mit den Vorder und Hinterläufen und beißt sogar zu- zwar nur spielerisch, weil ich sonst ernsthafte Verletzungen davontragen würde, aber unangenehm ist das ganze schon, Kratzer trage ich schon immer ein paar davon, weswegen ich das ganze mittlerweile aufgegeben habe.

Wehrt sich eure Katze bei euch auch so derbe krass? Unser Vetrauensverhältnis könnte eigentlich besser nicht sein und doch macht er da so ein Theater, das finde ich irgendwie komisch. Woran könnte das liegen und gibt es Tricks, wie man ihn doch noch besänftigen kann?

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1 year ago

My lady loves to be brushed. I have a double-sided brush, with a normal and a soft side. It enjoys being brushed from head to tail. I have practiced this from small to her, and she has already started when I only grab her care box (brush, claw scissors etc.).

How long is your cat’s fur?

If he doesn’t like it on the stomach, and brushing there isn’t absolutely necessary, I would just leave it 😃

Otherwise you can try to reward it. You start brushing your cat and reward them in between when they join brav (leckerlie, games, etc.). That’s how you work slowly, head, neck, back… until you get to the belly. But don’t just do it if you notice it doesn’t like it, then stop. And you do that regularly. And always reward.

With my lady, for example, the brush is more like the reward. So, first stop concentrating what the cat doesn’t find so great (ear plasters, claws, etc.) And then comes the reward (leeks, games etc.) – with my lady would be that then the extensive brushes 😁

If you do it regularly, and let your cat decide when she doesn’t want anymore, you can work so piece for piece on it 😃

1 year ago
Reply to  fiabaka876

I have such a simple, double-sided brush, because my Katzi finds quite great: https://www.zooplus.de/shop/hunde/hundecare/kamm_buersten/1367581?variantid=1367581.0&gclid=CjwKCAjw15eqBhBZEiwAbDomEhSGMSmjAEoJWhiSFCSWDYulk27R7ERDoi_tRNZeo7

For my female, I also take untanning brushes for people

But if your cat is not a long hair and cares for herself, I would just leave the belly comb if the animal doesn’t like it at all

1 year ago

My cat loves abdominal massages and she also likes to be craulted at the throat. She rolls on her back and whips. If she didn’t like it, she would just run away. A lot of loose fur dissolves during the massage.

In brushes, however, it is so that they can scratch on the skin, or the fur can crimp. Cats don’t like that because the belly is rather sensitive. Then you should pay attention to a particularly soft brush and brush carefully. Or you leave it right away.

Short-haired cats do not necessarily have to be brushed!

1 year ago

Mine can’t be brushed that bites always in the brush. My little cat has a bag in which I put a few old rough towels there he always rolls around when playing, which is also like brushing.

1 year ago

I’ve never brushed my cats, but I never had long-haired cats.

1 year ago
Reply to  fiabaka876

Who says that? I’ve never brushed my cats, as I’ve noticed above, and they never had felted fur, our present cat is never brushed, it’s a free-goer, and there’s nothing of felts to be seen.

I would therefore be interested to see if this is again an advertising fin, as with the dog with the teeth cleaning or whether this is based on a scientifically sound basis.

So please don’t blame me and don’t get me wrong, but a lot of what’s being advertised has no kinship and only stress the animals as if it were really beneficial.