Wie soll ich das verarbeiten 😢?
Und zwar habe ich meine Häsin eben im Halb sterben liegen gesehen. Vor 10 minuten ist sie gestorben. Ich wusste das natürlich schon vorher war beim TA. Nur das prblem ist wir haben das geld nicht für die Untersuchungen und die OP. Alleine die Untersuchen bis zu 700€. Da wurde mir klar das wird nichts mehr🥺
That’s very sad! I also had to lose my hen (we had a good relationship.) let you have time with the farewell as the user @EinsName3 already said.
Look out some remembrance photos (you may not believe it, but at some point you will smile about these photos ☺️ because you know your sweet had a nice time with you)
Thank you so much. thank you for your answer.
Oh, that’s sad…. Let you take time, it is completely understandable for others when you cry with this.. with me it is usually so that the mourning me (at my cat) has tasted me about 2 days, after about 10 days true again well…
I hope this has helped and I didn’t say anything that makes you even more sad….
Thank you very much for your answer will take a long time..
I have reported the answer from the other time, is now gone
I unfortunately needed 2 months to recover from the dead of my haeze “Cookie”:(
Yeah, you’re right. Doesn’t fit anything!
Well, it doesn’t make any sense…
Yes, but you wrote that which is irrelevant here, which is also true.
but yes, I think I would also ask “friendly” not to write anything like that anymore.
But what should I do? Report out. If I knew him in real. You don’t know what happens.
But writing with you distracts me until…
I don’t think I could do that, but I think I’m really mad
Reported. Thank you raft️ such people make it worse. And make me even more aggressive when they are still discussing
You have given your best….you can nix for that you have not been rich since…otherwise you often only extend the suffering….she is now redeemed and in heaven ….their time has come…be happy if this is not going to length…you have it in your heart forever
First of all: I am, of course, uncanny!
There is no “best” solution for the processing of a death of an animal. But there are some tips that help most:
– some help put it in memory. (For me this would be nix, but you need to know)
You could also talk to others who lost a pet.
– You should leave comfort. Keep in mind that you are certainly not the guilty.
-Don’t let yourself be under war: Meet with friends go your hobbies etc. (I know a few days/weeks this is now very difficult, but then try again)
Ic hope I could help!
Thank you. Yes, but at the moment, everything is bad with me.
But thanks for your answer👍🏼
If an animal dies, of course, it is more or less bad, depending on the holder.700 euros the investigations, hardly to believe.? you could’ve taken part in the cost instead of buying your Sylvester bangs.
I bought the fireworks when everything was good can no one know
I always wonder why you have animals if you don’t have the money.
Why do you buy alcohol and New Year’s Banger?
I’m sorry for the animal that was worth less than the fun and alcohol…
My tip: never raise animals again. View images of the rabbit.
Well, we bought ourselves as a family. And today you don’t deserve too good
Even if you don’t deserve enough, you don’t buy animals. Point.
When I didn’t earn enough time, I didn’t buy clothes for two years, no private stuff. Nothing likes eating something sweet. No fun. I just bought vital food for me. The rest went to the rabbits. You do that when you like animals