Wie soll ich auf meine Schwester reagieren?
hallo ich bin Lisa. Ich hatte bis letzter Woche einen freund seid 5 Jahren. Wir haben uns letzte Woche getrennt weil meine Schwester mit ihm geschlafen hat und ich sie zufällig im Auto von meinem Freund erwischt habe. Ich bin ihr seid einer Woche aus dem Weg gegangen doch morgen ist der Geburtstag meiner Mutter und ich werde sie da sehen. Ich weiß nicht wie ich auf sie reagieren soll. Kann mir da jemand helfen? Ich verstehe einfach nicht wieso sie das gemacht hat wir hatten eig immer ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zueinander.
LG Lisa
What your sister has done (and your friend, but it is not about him) has an impact on the whole family. You won’t be able to hide it permanently. Or how should your parents interpret your distant behavior towards your sister?
I’m afraid you’ll have to trust your mother. Go to her before the celebration to congratulate her. Under these circumstances, no one can expect you to meet this.. this person and possibly to not disturb the celebration, to be kind to her.
She deserves absolute ignorance on your part until she realizes what she did and then she comes to you. And you decide if, how and when you will talk to her. Not the other way.
I don’t know much but maybe you could talk to her
Maybe she was jealous that you have a friend, but there are always two, ask your friend what he wanted to do with it, tell your mother what happened before then she knows why you’re mad at each other.
That’s a tough number from your sister and a stupid situation. Maybe you can have a look at your mom’s birthday to congratulate her, but leave the scenery as soon as you can. Everyone would understand why. You don’t have to pay attention to your sister, be as cool as your feeling tells you.
Personally, I would not go and tell my mother why I am too old for such compromises. And this sister would have been very nice to put herself in the head when she wants to be a close person in my life. She has to apologize, but open for an apology I wouldn’t be long after a week.
I’d just leave her left.
You can’t do that if she’s her sister!
Of course you do. You can avoid them in everyday life and go out of the WEg on family parties.
Sure. Who’s going to fight the sister’s friend is out.
That’s my opinion and I’d do it.
Okay, I’m so weird. It wasn’t meant. :