Wie soll die Hauptperson in meinem Buch mit Nachnamen heißen?
Hi! In der Geschichte, die ich gerade schreibe, geht es um ein Mädchen namens Alicia. Bisher ist ihr Nachname White, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das passt. Ich hätte gerne einen Namen mit Bedeutung, der zu jemandem passt, der in andere Welten springen kann. Mir fallen nicht so viele ein, die zum Namen Alicia passen. Was passt am besten?
LG Naturequeen
Unpopular opinion, however: The names all fit, they’re all okay and which you’re finally taking in my eyes is jacket like pants. Why don’t you write numbers to each of the names and write them out.
The likelihood is small that any reader is looking at the flap text and the book is then moved away with the justification ‘So the story is interested me, but the figure is called Walker with last name… I don’t like it, she should be called ‘Hastings’.
I can understand enormously well that the name for the figure is important to you, because you are not the only one, but if it has no great significance for history itself now, but is simply a ‘random’ name, then you can take some. I would focus more on more important, for example, the design of the figure as a whole.
And who knows… maybe you want a special background for your figure (for example, parents or grandparents who come from a particular country) and then there are new options for a potential name you don’t currently think of 😉
I think that is important in the end: stay open to new ideas but don’t bless you with points that, carefully said, are not essential, but always have the ‘big whole’ in mind.
In this sense: Have fun and great success in the further development of your character 🙂
Walker, for example, I find very basic or this name have very many people. If she is to be something special then maybe look for a name with more meaning or involve her place of residence. I know that often the mainerson, except for something specific or a circumstance like any other, should be so that you can better get involved, but I have already read or heard Walker or the other names too often.
In the end, it is your decision and that only my personal opinion.
LG, Toby
Patikoija – that’s Finnish for hikers. Why does it always have to be English? Finally, gives many different languages on earth. I also like the Portuguese word for hikers: Alicia Caminhada. in both cases you can justify the name with family history; it could e.g. originate from a Finnish (or Portuguese) immigrant family.
What you have to do with such names. Not in every country it is common to have everyday words as surnames.
This then simply falls under her artistic freedom. It is finally an invented story; it can (in certain circumstances) define the rules itself. Rules for naming family names would be part of this artistic freedom for me.
@Janaki 👍
Of course you can do that. No one can say that you can’t, but you have to be aware that it could look strange for people who know it.
The question is, first of all, in which country the action plays. Not everywhere people bear English names.
She comes from America, but you don’t know more about history, because it’s mostly in other places.
Ehm, it plays zero role where the story plays @neinxdochxoh the name is important because it is about what surname it chooses
Walker fits best because she runs through worlds “”😄
Now I’d leave White.
But if you want to jump into other worlds, then jumper, walker, or jumper would be the right thing?
Alicia Gartner (I know a youth office employee who is so called and I find the name beautiful. )
Very cool idea, in history I have all the names now, but I definitely notice it for the next
Frankly, if I ever read a name like ‘Gräfin Maria Anna von Goldbroiler’ on a flap text, I would even buy the book VIELLEICHT.
MÃ1⁄4ller or Schulze, I’m fine.