Wie so vegan wie möglich leben?

Hallo liebe vegane community!
Ich (14) möchte gerne vegan leben, weil ich Tierquälerei so wenig wie mir möglich unterstützen möchte. Das Problem ist, dass meine Eltern streng (allgemein nicht nur auf meinen Wunsch vegan zu sein) gegen Veganismus sind. Auch nach vielen Gesprächen habe ich sie nicht überzeugen können.
Klar kann ich verstehen dass es für sie schwer werden würde wenn ich vegan bin aber deshalb wollte ich hier gerne fragen wie ich so vegan wie möglich leben kann ohne komplett zu verzichten (bis ich ausziehe und das selber in die Hand nehmen kann ohne Anderen da noch groß Arbeit zu machen)?


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1 year ago

Vegan causes more animal suffering than well planned Mixed food.

Build products from pastures and wild animals into your menu. Less animals suffer for this and die than pure vegan.

1 year ago

hmm in your age I would not live 100% vegan, as nutrients like B12, protein, iodine, iron and vitamin D are more likely to be found in animal products and many life mitter substitute products have to be taken.
Maybe you can make a compromise with your elders that you eat at home “normal” and eat vegans everywhere outside you.
so do not fall from meat and can take care of your own nutrition

1 year ago
Reply to  neyneynok

because nutrients such as B12, protein, iodine, iron and vitamin D can be found more in animal products

In addition to the B12 you can remove everything from your list.Protein, iron and iodine can also be added well with vegetable food. iodine in meat products originates mainly from animal feed additives. Hülsten fruits such as lenses contain a lot of protein and also iron. In the case of vitamin D, the consumption of food plays hardly any role as a whole, which we can produce by means of sunlight itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stadewaeldchen

please do not spread unbelievable, with growing, metabolically ill and pregnant people, once the week of milk products is recommended, as your own iodine consumption is much higher than with adult people.
among the best vitmanin D sources, besides the sunlight as you have already said (very good) belong sweetwater fish and egg yolk.
Lentils are also an absolute superfood and contains relatively much iron as in spinat! Nevertheless, in this case I would recommend a balanced diet with animal products.
so please consider again what you recommend to a 15 year old and still growing person the help in the internet search.
besides you are a troll, then you like to go on

1 year ago

well played, but trolle you smell at least 10km through the screen.
I almost bought you and I was really insecure

1 year ago

To consume animal products for health reasons to cover nutrients is to eat as radioactive iodine cover.

1 year ago

besides you are a troll, then you like to go on

I would have liked to deal with your points, which seem quite reasonable. But the Troll proposal doesn’t have to be, I won’t. Good evening.

1 year ago

In which you eat only the things that are vegan or at least vegetarian. So, for example, only potatoes, vegetables, sauce.

1 year ago

You were in a hospital three months ago for your anorexia.

Of course, your parents don’t support your vegan diet. This is not about animal welfare, but about your lust, which you still have, to be able to conceal

1 year ago

Sounds stupid, but look at your sources.

Also vegan diet must be cultivated and all small animals must be expelled, poisoned and killed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

What’s that for an incredible bullshit? Please compare the cultivation area you need to feed yourself vegan with the cultivation area you need for animal feed! After de8n argumentation you should NOT eat more. And veganism is now the smallest feasible evil. And this could also be eliminated with a natural cultivation.

1 year ago
Reply to  cas65

The natural cultivation is also just a beautiful word. Food is not coming out of the air. It requires cultivation area. It is paid for profit. The fields have to be treated and competitive. This is now used by fatal methods.

1 year ago

Where do you act as a meat eater?

1 year ago

Not really, this would have to be active legal violations and this is not the case with the vegan.

1 year ago

Factically sticks blood to all hands. Welcome to the club.

1 year ago

“Militant vegans have been screaming “murders” for years and decades if they have not followed their diet.

Now it turns out that vegans kill many animals through their diet.

For me it sounds like trying to accuse mass murderers of mass murder”

Deaths in arable farming = accidental and unobstructed encounter(because animals have voluntarily entered the field) with death order AKA accidents

Animal products= Targeted killings carried out against the will of the animal for low motives AKA murder.

“If I hunt a deer, I kill exactly one animal that can feed me and my group for weeks, a field has loosely fluffy hundreds and thousands of animals in conscience. ‘

If you hunt a deer then you ask that the habitat of the deer remains and are therefore in fact responsible for all animals and their suffering that are in this area, and in the forest, more animals live in the same area than on the field and calculated on the calories, you need gigantic areas, in short, with the consumption of wild meat in terms of all diets, in fact, most suffering.

1 year ago

“What is this for an incredible bullshit… Please compare the cultivation area you need to feed yourself vegan with the cultivation area you need for animal feed! After de8n argumentation you should NOT eat more. And veganism is now the smallest feasible evil. And this could also be eliminated with a natural cultivation.”

That’s what it’s built up like that, beautiful own gate and good self-awareness of you. Don’t push it on the FS if you’re so echauffier.

Sort, sleep over one night, read it again.

1 year ago

I (14) like to live vegan because I want to support animal torture as little as possible.

THE is the subject of this question. Nothing else. Maybe you’re going back there.

I’m finished with this.

1 year ago

Why not?

Isn’t that the subject for years?

Militant vegans call murderers.

Now, when looking more closely, a killing rate is not to be pointed out.

I have barely experienced another “nourishing group” which so militantly attacks other groups from itself, and I don’t think so.

1 year ago

But this was not the case at all… And you’re coming back. I usually read quite well. Thanks for asking.

1 year ago

I also meant someone, namely those militant vegans who scream killers if someone doesn’t follow their diet.

Do you read or interpret?

1 year ago

Then read your comments carefully.

but no militant vegans need to be considered morally superior.

You must have meant someone. And there’s only the FS or I in question. And since I’m not vegan…

1 year ago

And where did I call the FS a militant?

1 year ago

You put the word “militant” here. Not me.

1 year ago

I didn’t call her militant.

Where do I put the FS down?

Do you read or interpret?

1 year ago

This is about a small 14-year-old who understands what and asks for help. With “militant” it really has nothing to do with! I eat everything myself. But I’m pulling the hat and respecting everyone who can do that differently. And surely don’t put him down with false arguments.

1 year ago

Militant vegans have been screaming “murders” for years and decades if they have not followed their diet.

Now it turns out that vegans kill many animals through their diet.

For me it sounds like trying to accuse mass murderers of mass murder.

I don’t know your diet, but I don’t need to consider militant vegans as morally superior.

1 year ago

See statistics agricultural land use in my last reply. If you don’t convince naked numbers, I can’t help you either.

1 year ago

It’s hard to feed yourself without killing. Somewhere, smears are made, especially if the group that is to be fed is very large.

1 year ago

If you kill cherry, you can also feed on berries and mushrooms and herbs and wild vegetables.

This comparison also hangs on all four hooves.

Fact: Approximately 61.8% of the agricultural area in Germany is used for the cultivation of livestock feed and only 21 percent for direct food production.

1 year ago

When I hunt a deer, I kill exactly one animal that can feed me and my group for weeks, a field has loosely fluffy hundreds and thousands of animals on my conscience.

1 year ago

But for vegan diets much less than for meat animals! What is not to be understood?

1 year ago

Once you grow a field, you have to take it away somewhere. Let’s go to life.

1 year ago

No, they don’t have to be treated. For millennia, we survived without poisoning our own food and nature. Until a few decades ago, the practice was common.