Wie sinnvoll ist ein MBA an einer privaten Fernhochschule (IU, WBH, FOM, etc.)?
Ich bin dabei zu überlegen, wie sinnvoll es wäre noch einen MBA zu machen und wie angesehen das bei Unternehmen ist. Online hört man von vielen Leuten, dass das Studium hauptsächlich für die Connections wichtig ist, aber das entfällt ja bei einem Fernstudium. An sich finde ich das Konzept von einem MBA nicht schlecht. Er soll praxisbezogener sein und vermittelt für Akademiker aus fachfremden Bereichen (Bsp. Ingenieurswesen, Gesundheitswesen, Geisteswissenschaften) wichtige BWL und Management Grundlagen. Aber ich frage mich wie Arbeitgeber so einen Abschluss werten. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit gemacht oder vielleicht sogar selbst einen MBA bei einem privaten Anbieter gemacht und kann berichten, ob er passende Arbeit für seinen Abschluss gefunden hat?
I always think it depends on where you want to go professionally. Experience has shown that many companies require at least one master’s degree for certain positions (with or without personnel responsibility), e.g. at senior or head level for employees/applicants. But there are also exceptions…
I did the MBA through a distance study next to my full-time job, which required a lot of discipline, time and self-management. However, I have not been able to establish connections to fellow students because everything has been done on the FH-intern online platform. I then had the first virtual contact only in the execution and completion of my master’s thesis with my supervisor and in the defense of the course management.
Personally, the MBA has passed on to me for careers, which was also my goal. Many of my studies have been able to and can be used so far, of course only what is in line with my current work in the profession.
Of course, an MBA is not a guarantee of getting a foothold in the management level at some point, as special skills, professional experience etc. also play a role, but the response to employers/business has been consistently positive. I think that is also because companies see that the extra mile has gone beside the profession, which is also connected with lichen and ambition. 😉
This is my personal experience and opinion about it. If you want to continue professionally, the MBA is definitely a very good choice.
Best regards!
Thank you. This sounds really good for me and is also a relief that the reputation of the university (in this case, just private colleges) does not necessarily play such a great role. I also wonder how it makes sense to make an MBA with a specific discipline (Bsp. Finance or Engineering Management) or whether you don’t have too much specialization.
I have made my MBA with the subject “Digital Transformation” as the whole topic of digitalization, AI, digital leadership, new work, etc. is extremely interesting. I think the basics are the same in all MBA disciplines, e.g. modules for accounting, human resources, marketing, etc., only that there will be further submodules for the respective specialization.
On my master’s degree, “Digital Transformation” is shown separately as a university course and the title “Master of Business Administration” as an academic degree. I have never been asked about the subject before.
I do not know whether there is a “general” MBA without a special subject. I think they’re all the same. Here the subject m.M.n. plays only one role for your personal and professional preferences.
In any case, I wish you a lot of success!
P.S.: I’ve done my long-distance study on the ELG at an FH and have already received the degree in the circle of friends, as the support by the supervisors and professors, the clarity of the study and the costs were really top.
Here is the link to the provider, possibly there is something for you:
Thank you for that. I’m taking your provider more closely into consideration ^^