Wie sinnvoll ist die Pille danach?
Hey, hab heute mein vorletzten Tag meiner Periode und hatte ungeschützten Geschlechtsverkehr. Mein Eisprung sollte nach App voraussichtlich am 6 sein, also in Vier Tagen. Lohnt sich es da noch morgen die Pille danach oder ist es eher unwahrscheinlich das ich Schwanger werd?
Since sperms can survive in your body for about 5 days, it would really make sense to pick up the pill after that, best time.
Since your ovulation is still in place, it is moved by the pill afterwards. So please don’t wonder if your next period is moving backwards by a week.
These apps are not 100% accurate. Your body isn’t a tough clockwork. But it is still very helpful to track your cycle, precisely for this reason to know in something when you are fruitful and when not.
It depends. If you don’t want to get pregnant, you should take it, you want it to be counterproductive.
I would get them but not only tomorrow but today in the Notapotheke
These fucking apps can all be put in the ton. These are pure average speculations and say nothing about your personal body!
If pregnancy is an absolute disaster, get the PiDa! It counts every hour.
And even better would be to use contraception…
These apps are quite sensible. Of course, they do not indicate the exact time of ovulation, but they are bordering (as before with note and pen). In some cases it is possible to calculate the ES quite accurately with basal temperature etc.
The apps are bullshit and cause a lot of stupid behavior at Teens.
You can get such stripes of ovulation tests and that’s much more reasonable.
But nothing replaces contraception and safer sex!