Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit Wattpad?
Hallo, wie findet ihr die App Wattpad? Was für Erfahrungen habt ihr mit Wattpad gemacht?
Hallo, wie findet ihr die App Wattpad? Was für Erfahrungen habt ihr mit Wattpad gemacht?
Ich finde das es mit zwei Bs irgendwie schöner aussieht aber es würde irgendwie mehr Sinn machen, wenn man es mit einem B Schreibt.
Hallo!Ich bin gerade dabei meine FF zu schreiben.Der Hauptcharaktär heisst Blaubeerfall.Sie ist eine Kätzin. Hier ein Steckbrief: Aussehen:graublaues Fell und dunkelblaue Augen Charakter:mutig,ehrgeizig,will gerne Anführerin werden,nett,liebevoll,selbtbewusst Mutter:Braunfell Vater:Glutkralle Ich brauche einen perfekten Gefährten für sie. Mit Beschreibung ,Charakter und Stammbaum. Könnt ihr mir helfen? LG
Hii ^^ Ich schreibe eine Geschichte, und die Hauptcharakterin soll (so doof sich das jetzt auch irgendwie anhört ^^”) ein Trauma vom Klavierspielen haben. Also früher mochte sie Klavierspielen, doch dann soll, als sie so zwischen 11 und 13 war (jetzt ist sie 17), irgendwas passiert sein, sodass sie halt jetzt ein Trauma davon hat….
Ich hätte gerne im Buchtitel AHOI stehen, jedoch ist es mir zu wenig, denn es spielt im Jahre 2042 statt, in dem ein menschenähnliches Wesen die Nordsee kennenlernt mit all ihren Fassetten Watt, Wasser, Sturm, etc.Daher sollte noch etwas bei dem Wort stehen, ich weiß nur nicht wirklich was? Hoffe, Ihr habt noch bessere Ideen.
Ich hatte heute eine etwas unangenehme Diskussion mit einem Künstler, mit dem ich eigentlich zusammenarbeiten wollte. Leider haben wir dabei aber keinen gemeinsamen Nenner gefunden. Ich habe vor einer Weile mit einer Light Novel begonnen und was ich bisher geschrieben habe nochmal komplett über den Haufen geworfen, um mit etwas mehr Struktur nochmal von vorne…
In general, I am satisfied with Wattpad. I can look past everyone’s recommendations. But you should also be patient. Looking for stories as well as searching for readers.
As a reader:
As is not expected otherwise, there are very different on Wattpad. Unfortunately, the good books have to be filtered out from the flood, all the bad ones. Personally, I would always recommend searching for already completed books. On the one hand, the author can no longer cancel, on the other hand, many bad authors do not seem to have the stamina to stop their work.
As author:
It’s fun to write there and have my readers. I must admit, however, that I hoped for something more.
I personally lack the factual criticism of Wattpad. Most readers just praise one, but don’t give any tips on what to do better. I have to admit honestly, I have to touch my own nose. As a reader, I didn’t bother with the bad stories, a comment in the direction: “The idea sounded interesting, but you could improve the implementation.” That would have been very often appropriate, just because I hope for myself.
When someone crawls something, I often find the comments incomprehensible. Then only two words are written and one has to guess as an author: what are they referring to and what is meant by it? But this is probably also very important for the age group that is on the move.
If the criticism is really important, you can also find quite reasonable in book clubs, etc. Then, as a rule, you get actual and formulated reviews. You have to make the effort to look for it and ask for it.
Hey, try Storyban. There are many great books 🙂 and if desired, real criticism can be asked in the forum.
Otherwise, Wattpad has some helpers, e.g. SupporttGroup, who give and support criticism in projects.
Thank you for your nice tips. It would be nice if you read an answer the next time before you write something about it.
If you’d read my answer, you would have noticed that I’d even look into such aid projects. It does not change my general criticism that I find it a pity that you have to look for it on such a platform.
I also know Storyban.
I read, so I thought I’d give the tip. Just because your answer was so comprehensive. I’m sorry if that went wrong.
Wattpad is really a creative app. Both for authors and for readers. Before, I only read there, now I’m just writing there.
It’s a shame, especially when it comes to news and mittteinungen it takes quite a long time to get updated.
My phone sends me a pop up notification that someone, for example “Hey” wrote. It takes between 1-5 minutes until I get the message displayed on Wattpad. Also with comments and general messages from Wattpad.
I think Wattpad is good. The only thing that’s annoying me right now is that I get a notification when I get a bit of upload myself, but not if someone I’m following something high.
I had good and bad experiences on the one hand. Generally, it is a total enrichment for hobby authors, as you (if desired) get a lot of criticism and suggestions for improvement can.
There are reviews and numerous helpful users who like to help. ^^
Apart from that, the start on Wattpad is really difficult, which I personally most regret the app. If you are not active + have the necessary knowledge, which is exactly the definition of “active” there, you have little to no chance.
Probably too many great authors lose the fun on Wattpad … too little support. (Short Personal Advertisement: @SupporttGroup supports small authors. We look forward to receiving registrations, hihi.^
Watty also has “waste” more often. Not quite often, he simply deletes whole chapters. That’s why: Always secure extra. Z.b on Word.
Apart from the above things, I like the app totally. I’ve met a lot of nice people and I can talk to them. The community is great. <=3
I don’t like fanfictions. I downloaded the app once to write or write it myself read new stories, but from my favorite genre was nothing to find and it was kind of unpleasant to me that everything was commented on what you post
Hey, so I’ve been jz on wattpad for almost 9 months and I have to say I love it.
Have 145 followers and I love my “community” if you can call it that.
I read and write and so.
As a reader I have to say (at least in the genre what I read), there are already super good, but also totally bad. In English, as with me, there’s more. And you must like the author’s writing style.
As author: you have to find the right genre. It’s usually what you like to read. My most viewed book has almost 13K reads overall and it has not even 30 chapters. It’s best if you get one of the genres what’s read a lot, and I’d say I got it. Writing to myself I also find mega great. It’s totally my thing.
I would recommend it completely, but vllt more than website because there is less advertising. But in the app it is also great
I find it particularly cool that you can write with your followers in private and can therefore interact and talk. I have found one of my best friends over wattpad (while she lives very far away, in a completely different time zone but we really understand each other super).
I actually only have good experiences with wattpad, although I certainly don’t have the most followers you can get in 9 months, but there are still many.
I can only recommend wattpad because you can read, write, chat and all possible. I love
@LovelyBee123 What do you say that Wattpad turns off 30.04.?
I think there are better apps and don’t understand the hype around Wattpad. It’s practical. But it also has countless errors. From the technique that once fails, messages look crappy and half doesn’t work, sentence characters obviously don’t recognize the author’s app.
In addition, the chance to be listed as a newbie is very low. In order to get a better rank with your own book, you need active readers and these ones aren’t winning at all, because you’re hardly showing up. Only with explicit search. Demotivating for starters.
Then there are still massive scrapworks in which no single set is error-free or it is so incomprehensible that I want to delete the app.
The idea is basically good.
The community is very alternative to other social apps. Many authors, however, cultivate a peculiar self-position. Overall, a relatively toxic climate.
The diversity of popular stories is strongly determined by trends.
The editor is rudimentary, there would be more design possibilities sometimes quite nice.
As far as my experiences. But of course, I only saw a part of the whole.
Wattpad is really good and I am happy with it. I am a person who reads a lot and it is fun to read as many different authors at once and that in all possible areas. To write there is incredibly much fun and is also extremely easy.
It only bothers me that I often get notifications when I have something uploaded or that Wattpad has been spinning lately and does any things that it should not.
I find Wattpad good, so I have only had good experiences with it.
As a reader and author at the same time, I can say: I am satisfied with Wattpad. You can easily write and upload a story there, and you can also find many different stories that belong to a theme you like. For these reasons, I can highly recommend Wattpad ^^
One thing that annoys me is: you find too many stories that are “not very well written”. And these have very many readers but few suggestions for improvement in the comments. But, except for this one reason, I still like Wattpad very
I personally don’t like Wattpad. Bad stories are pushed by ranking and really good going under.
Some have written 1k Votes and no word correctly.
However, I find the comment system good, as you can react directly.
Very satisfied. Sometimes spins and does what it wants, but the problems are usually solved quickly.
You can find all kinds of stories and also write yourself is a lot of fun and is simple
I am very happy with Wattpad
There are nice people and the operation is so easy that even I understand them.
So I have the app longer and find it very cool to upload stories.
Very recommended!
I like to read the stories especially great is also the most good free of charge. Moreover, it is also great that you can publish anonymously his stories what I also do
so only good experiences
What’s your name on Wattpad? 🙂
I love this app. I actually hate to read it, but thanks to Wattpad I love it.I find it mega cool mostly also to read free and write stories. I never knew what interested me from the topics and now I know. It makes addictive in a good way would recommend the app
I write two accounts there. I think it’s a good distraction to read stories there or how to write in my case.
need to look
So there are normal things but bfr when you click on the wrong books you read at once things you don’t want to see (confidence). so laugh down but be careful what you look at or you’re disturbed