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Bin ich sehr dünn?
Hallo, ich bin Männlich, 22 Jahre alt, 165 cm groß und wiege nur 43 Kg!!! Ist das sehr dünn? Ist es gefährlich? Ich ernähre mich normal und fühle mich gesund.. Bitte um Rat
Hey Sara! As with the other question, you have a very good, somewhat curvy figure that you can wear. The body emphasizes you and your pretty long legs come very well to appreciate 😇
Good luck!
But curvy is not necessarily good. Would like to be really thin!
Okay, it’s a matter of taste. You now have experience in losing weight, if you take another five kg, you probably have your wish figure 😇 And I think that is the most important thing that it is for YOU. Further success, anyway, all good 😇
Keep going on…
because looks good, but shouldn’t be anymore or the clothes on then.
You’re not stupid. But certainly not thick. The clothes are yours. I think she’s pretty. Of course not sexy.
the picture is a bit dark, but you can see your beautiful figure very well:) don’t look thick, you’re really pretty
No I think you don’t look fat
Looks normal.
No, you look very slim.
Of course not
Your figure is perfectly fine, you don’t look thick at 😊
You’re not fat.
Very normal
You’re slim.