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There have been very unsightly discussions on this subject!
I do not consume legal or illegal drugs, as I am aware of the risks.
risks related to smoking:
bronchial/larynx carcinoma,
cardiovascular diseases, with secondary diseases, such as myocardine infarction, apoplex,
peripheral, arterial closure disease.
Regular and lasting consumption of alcohol mainly damages the liver, with secondary diseases,
like fat liver, cirrhosis.
Tea, cola etc. I don’t drink. Chocolate extremely rare.
If coffee is one of the drugs, I’m drug addicted like almost all Italians. By the way! You can also drink decaffeinated coffee!
Illegal. But, coffee, though not daily. To solemn occasions alcohol us and again a pain pill if it must be
A cup of coffee again this morning. Like every day. The caffeine contained therein is a psychoactive substance, belongs to the class of stimulants and can accordingly be referred to as a drug.
Maybe interesting:
Unless you count the sugar drug to the drugs. I really depend on that.
Otherwise, I’ve never been interested in drugs, never tried them, and I don’t think so. Don’t irritate me. You don’t have to test everything in your life. I never drank coffee.
I haven’t taken any drugs yet. I know that drugs as a cure are both addicted. Everyone decides what’s better for themselves. 🤏
No illegals. But drink coffee almost daily, which is also considered a drug I try to dispense with alcohol right now.
Drink herbal tea right at my lunch break.
Yeah, he’s a drug too. Not only are there any illegal and harmful substances hidden behind this term.
Caffeine, tea, alcohol and nicotine.
It’s been about 28 years ago.
When caffeine counts, I am more than dependent 💪💀
I’d like to check if it fits. Alcohol isn’t at all, and it’s just for birth or New Year’s Eve.
I don’t need that. I know how I didn’t make my life boring and inexorable.
I didn’t run around with psychoses like there’s a lot of them here.
Smoking cigarettes, drink alcohol and a lot of coffee in society.
And you need these three drugs? Or how do you get to be against a legalization of cannabis with the argument “do not smoke the stuff.”…
You don’t need cannabis much less.
The misery at the railway station in FFM was enough for me.
Chocolate is a drug.
At least no illegal
Previously… is already 25+ years ago! ^^+gg
You could even buy and consume legally at that time!
Unconsciously I certainly consumed alcohol in the form of bananas…