Wie sieht es aus, wenn das Fremulum bei der Beschneidung nicht entfernt wurde?

Ich wurde vor einer Woche beschnitten, also komplette Vorhaut weg und wollte fragen, wie das so aussieht, wenn das Fremulum, also das Vorhautbändchen noch vorhanden ist, nach der Beschneidung. Online findet man irgendwie keine Bilder und ich möchte halt abgleichen können, ob ich es noch habe oder ob es entfernt wurde. Es wird ja gesagt, dass das Fremulum die meisten Gefühlsrezeptoren beinhaltet und man dadurch weniger fühlt und draus schließen länger beim Sex durchhält. Wäre sehr nett, danke!

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8 months ago

So in my circumcision as a child, the little bow was quite completely depressed, so from the acorn tip to the area of the inner foreskin.

You’ve got more or less this little band or the skin connection, i.e. acorn and shaft.

In some cases the band is rather thick and pronounced, with others rather thin.

After I had the little boy then torn is a small surgery, where it was cut and sewn again and since then it has hardly any more to be longed by the little boy and the place is smooth up to a very small rest from the small bench on the oak.

With me the little boy was really sensitive… Since it is gone, I actually feel much more at the place and now feels really good at it

7 months ago
Reply to  stiangglanda

Thanks for the star 🙂

8 months ago

With me, the Fremulum looks almost as before the circumcision. The ribbon then ends in the area of the remaining inner pre-skin. Since it is rather very delicate it hardly notices.

8 months ago

Then there is a piece of bright skin fold underneath the acorn. You can google such images, for example, uncuts, if you don’t find a proper image of trimmings. Only in the circumcision has the band been cut through somewhere.

8 months ago

You know how it looked. If it’s changed now, you know. If it has not been removed, you still have this skinband, but in most cases a complete circumcision is also removed.

8 months ago

If threads were in the area of the ribbon, it has been extended or removed. If not, you still have it.

But you can also see if it is still unchanged or extended.