Wie sieht eine richtige e mail Adresse aus?

Ich habe hier mehrere e mail Adressen, die nicht angenommen werden. Ich möchte wissen, wo der Fehler. Ich möchte aber nicht die genaue e mail Adresse nennen.

Bei der einen e mail Adresse ist folgendes:

Name (at ) web ( Punkt ) de

Also, ich vermute mal, dass da ein richtiger Punkt rein muss. Aber sind da noch andere Fehler ?

Bei der zweiten


Da weiss ich jetzt gar nichts mit anzufangen.

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2 years ago

Suppose you’re Bernhard Jourfix.

And you would like to have an email address at web.de. then you think about how your name should be. ZB


After entering, it is checked whether the address is already used. Then you reconsider

jou.bern@web.de etc.

Previously, you would have got the following address as an employee at Siemens if not another one already used this address:


2 years ago

Both patterns e-mail addresses seem to be useful to me.
However, the individual providers (web.de / outlook.com …) may have differences which specific format is accepted. (e.g. with/without undercoat, with/without point in the front part).

2 years ago

Do you think you need to change the two addresses to get a real email address out?

“Name (at ) web (point ) de” will be named@web.de

“First name[.]Number name[@]Company name[.]de” becomes first name.Number name@Company name.de

both are simply simple sledding measures so that web crawlers do not recognize this as an email address. Web crawlers are programs that automatically search websites for data such as e-mail addresses or phone numbers to sell the data to spammer.

2 years ago

Both would be correct mail addresses. The following are also correct:




The official definition is in RFC 2822: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2822#section-3.4.1

2 years ago
Reply to  bernjou

Well, of course you have to replace (at) with @ and (point) with . Otherwise, it is of course not a valid mail address…

Some people write this in the wrong opinion, thereby being able to irritate any crawlers that collect mail addresses for sending spam.

1 year ago

If your address request is not accepted, an e-mail address already exists. So you need to vary it.

2 years ago

I don’t understand the question. What errors do appear? name@web.de would be a valid address, pure from the syntax