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My girlfriend (Chinese, defended translator for authorities, police, customs, courts, next to Chinese teacher) uses a commercial (Swiss) keyboard. She writes Chinese faster than I am German, French or English.
They use a normal international keyboard. So without a, oo.
The easiest way to get it if you ever get itGoogle Translatortry and write short syllables there, as:
where bu zhe dao (but written together), so “wobuzhidao”
should come out then:
floppy (locally: I don’t know Dao [=way])
That means, “I don’t know” 😉
Otherwise, of course, this means the pinyin system.
If you learn the characters in China, you will also learn the pronunciation. Only from simple sounds (letters) in different sounds, then syllables, then blocks of characters. Because all the characters are composed of them. There are various reviews on the Internet.
And of course you can write electronically in different ways.
Either on a normal keyboard. And then, with the Chinese writing tool, you immediately have all possible variants that you simply select. If you write “ai”, a lot of characters will be added. But if you wereaini” writes, comes only “NOTE” (I love you) as a complete variant. So the more one writes coherently, the more limited the possibilities become. That’s why Chinese can write so fast. There are automatically the characters then 😅
I hope you could understand. If not, you can ask again or look at wikipedia. There it is well explained.
Today you usually use something like this:
They can sometimes be very adventurous.
The simplified font system is very similar to ours
Now to the adventurous:
That’s what it looks like:
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha 🙂