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Vegan nuggets, cold cuts and sausages from mass animal husbandry, rubber bears, 5 minutes terine, bags of knorr and maggi, pringels, breakfast cereals and flakes, Y food, vegan ice cream and much more.
Go to the next discounter or supermarket and what you see are processed over 90% of them. So virtually every finished stuff no matter whether fixed bags, ready pizza, sausage, etc
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There are many of them. Here are some examples:
ham, sausage, ice cream, sweetened brittle cereals, potato chips, hot cheese.
This can be quite different; about grapes – wine or potato – starch powder, ….
See the ingredients list.
Many vegan meat substitute products are highly processed
Just like the whole finished product for omnis 🤷🏼
All Vegan replacement products.
Tofu, chickpeas, beans, lenses….?
Are no vegan replacement products…
It still depends on what one wants to replace and responded to the example with the self-made milk with B12 drops you are not either because you probably have no arguments? For example, if I have a piece of meat and I want to replace the taste, then I eat something that tastes like meat, regardless of the ingredients that you can add elsewhere in the diet.
Tank some water instead of diesel. Your car won’t drive and that’s even though both are liquid, and according to your definition, a replacement…
That’s your definition that’s alien to reality and irrational.
Replacement is only something if you need nothing else.
Water does not replace a car….
That’s your definition. A replacement can also replace all other possible things and not necessarily all the nutrients contained. For some, only the taste for a substitute product is decisive and yet it is a substitute product. In addition, I can also make vitamin B12 drops in my oat milk home and it is still not heavily processed.
What did you not understand?
Vitamin B12 free oats are not a substitute but a separate product
Replacement is only something if you need nothing else.
Water is not a substitute for cucumbers…
Yes, and what did you not understand?
Imitation has many pages and as long as the imitation of the nutrient values is concerned, tofu is not bad.
Oat milk should imitate normal milk, so what is not a substitute product?
No, vegan substitute products imitate animal products.
Vitamin B12 free oats are not a substitute but a separate product
Is a subcategory of vegan substitute products, so it also counts. Oat milk, which is made at home, is also a vegan substitute product, but not as highly processed as the one from the discounter.
I’m talking about vegan substitutes. These are two different things.
Of course! Just because they are not marketed as a “meat substitute” does not mean that they cannot be meat substitute products. It depends on what the replacement refers to:
Appearance=no replacement
Taste= depends on
Nutritional values=good meat substitute