Wie sieht die KI in Zukunft aus?
Kann man da noch was erreichen, kann man da nich berühmt werden, Musiker, Streamer werden, oder Künstler oder sonstiges?
Oder wird die AI, KI alles übernehmen?
Ich will halt schon gern berühmt werden und die Chance dazu nutzen weil Ich seit mein halbes Leben lang alles gut geplant hab, aber wenn man nicht irgendwie “höher stehen” als viele anderen, so mit seine eigenen talente, wird das wohl nix, oder?
So I would advise you not to use the AI as a means to become famous. You have to think like that: The AI is a hill, not a replacement. It is not difficult to reach at least the 1000 subscribers on yt or 10k on tiktok. On Tiktok you probably go viral the easiest way.
And I don’t think that the AI will still improve extremely strongly and can solve very compkexe problems, e.g. build a timeline. An AI can definitely learn this. But for that we must allow the AI to overcome all knowledge. But then it can happen that the AI is incorrectly programmed, and the worst case applies knowledge to us. Dad could actually mean the end of humanity.
The AI can help you become famous as I said. But if you use it as replacement and not as help, it can or will be difficult
I’m sure there will always be famous people.
But that will certainly change.
For example, AI will eventually be able to write his song lyrics and invent melodies that are so good that no one will recognize whether a song was created by a human or by an AI.
This does not mean that as a human being there is no more meaning to be creative and to compose songs. But it will certainly be harder to succeed.
However, if you stand on stage and sing live, people will see if this is really a person who can sing.
This will certainly change the way you become famous and what you become famous.
that can already produce your own songs
It’s hard to predict. I could quite imagine that there is also a counter-movement, i.e. authentic content, so to speak “by hand” content without AI could rise in value. As a “famousness” one does not stand above other people. Some people are touched and admired, but what they admire is not oneself, but only the idea they have of the celebrity that has nothing to do with reality.
Art created by man will always have a higher priority in the future than that created by an AI. Being famous will continue to be possible. The problem will be to recognize what is humanised or created by an AI.
then listen to this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Opdhl7vYM
At the moment you can still – as a real person of flesh and blood – make careers. Look at all the stars that are not so long. I spontaneously catch Loreen from Sweden. It’s worth it. Still.
What will bring the future is in the stars. Whether the AI will overwhelm us, you can only speculate about it.
KIs nix by yourself!