Wie sicher ist man bei einem Gewitter unter Bäumen??
Man sagt ja, es sei lebensgefährlich, sich bei einem Gewitter unter Bäumen zu stellen. Ich weiß zwar, dass ein Baum der höchste Punkt ist, den ein Blitz treffen kann, aber bis ein Erdblitz den Baum trifft, unter dem ich gerade stehe, bin ich ja schon lotto millionär.
Und als zusatzeffekt, Bäume schützen einen vor dem stärksten Regen.
If you are surprised by a thunderstorm in the forest, you have hardly any other choice, you are always under trees.
In the case of a lonely tree, the risk is certainly a bit greater, in general one has a risk of moving upright on a free surface. You don’t have to challenge his fate easily.
We came to a really dark thunder cloud on a mountain tour at a fairly high altitude on Mont Blanc, we laid flat, our equipment far away from us, the air was really electric charged, I think if you were standing up there, the chances would have been bad to get out. I’ll never forget this tour.
Just as safe as in free field. The “Myth” with the highest point is not correct.
The impact can tear down branches or even bend or split the tree. He may also burn.
You’re not under such a tree long.
Well, there’s always a chance, but that’s what you think I’ll weigh up for yourself
Not sure. This is dangerous…
You’re going out of false premises!
The lightning strikes the tree and jumps over you from there.
Therefore, it is asserted – rightly – that it is dangerous to live in a thunderstorm under a tree.
Depends on the situation
Trees protect against rain, but not from lightning.
So let’s get to my question. Until an earth blitz meets the tree under which I stand, the probability is higher to become in the lotto millionaire. So how dangerous is it?
Very dangerous. But you have been written by others and you can also think.
Ne bad that if the single tree can be hit by the Plitz if in the forest best in such a pedestrian zone tunnel
It’s dangerous because trees can literally explode through a lightning strike, then the tree’s flying around your ears.