Wie sicher ist es im roten Meer (hurghada) zu schwimmen?
Hallöchen. Wir fliegen in einer Woche nach Ägypten, bzw. nach Hurghada, und hatte letzens ein Video gesehen, wo ein Mann in Hurghada 2018 von einem hai ermordet wurde. Hab dann noch ein bsischen rechachiert und herausgefunden dass sowas in Hurghada nicht nur wenige mal passiert ist. An sich würde mir das jetzt keine Sorgen bereiten, weil ich jetzts nicht mega tief ins Meer herausschwimme, aber wir haben eine Bootstur mit Delfinschwimmen gebucht. Halten sie Haie überhaupt in der Nähe von delfinen auf?
Sharks don’t kill anyone. Murder presupposes “lower motives”. Sharks just keep up in their natural habitat and try to survive.
The probability of getting into an incident with a shark is very, very low. Every year, billions of people go to the sea, there are few incidents with sharks. Road traffic in Germany is much more dangerous in a purely statistical way.
But yes, sharks live in the Red Sea and you could meet one. Even where dolphins are nearby. And yes, there are also shark species that can become dangerous to a human being.
Watch the YouTube videos from Robert Marc Lehmann – Mission Earth . He has a lot of idea and can tell you how to behave properly. If you are aware and attentive, you can react correctly when you encounter a shark and the risk of an incident is extremely low.
As safe as in any sea.
We have been very often in Egypt, I have never seen a shark, even in the many snorkel and dolphin tours we have made.
Here you can book a reputable dolphin tour. :
https://www.delfin Swimming-mogli.de/
It is usually not dangerous. Sharks attack people very rarely. Sometimes it happens when they are too crowded unprovoked it is extremely rare.
However, you should also watch and swim with dolphins not too much to crowd them. Dolphins come to this area to rest and sleep from hunting etc. You shouldn’t circle them with boats, don’t swim behind them and don’t touch them at all. For dolphins too many boats and too many people are already stressful. It also happens in dolphins that they bite or crumb people because they feel harassed. They just want to rest there. Watching okay also in the water but if dolphins should voluntarily approach not vice versa.
We have flew to Egypt for snorkelling for many years and have also swung with dolphins in the open water.
I’ve never seen a shark in all these years. Not even little reef sharks.
Hopefully you haven’t booked such a trip, where zig Egyptians travel in the same direction with many boats.
No, a well-known has lived in Egypt a year and is there with a friend who makes great boat tours (on a smaller ship with few people).
If that’s Petra and Ralf, they’re great! They also return the money when no dolphins are sighted. Mogli tours.
No, our boat trip is called “Exit with Mohamed”