Wie sicher ist Australien oder die USAfür eine allein reisende Frau? Oder doch lieber Südafrika, Ägypten oder Mexiko?

Ich möchte auf keinen Fall mit mit einer Reisegesellschaft fahren. Also einfach hin fliegen, Auto mieten und los fahren. Sehr gerne auch außerhalb der üblichen Touristen-Routen.

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2 months ago

I’d advise you more about USA and Australia than Mexico and Egypt. Just because the locals in the latter two are clearly more impressive, just seller. You can also do it alone, but if you’re thinking alone, you’d rather take the USA or Australia.

I was already in the USA and Mexico, but there are two. Travel alone were other countries. If you want to get rid of the typical Touri routes, I can only advise you about Mexico! Insbesonere alone as a woman with car hire. In the United States, this is not such a big problem if you avoid problem regions, for example, in cities some problematic areas, especially at night.

Important for USA or Australia: Do not underestimate the distances. Because this is sometimes much more than you think and if there is still a road why it is always locked, it can mean a huge detour that comes to the planned route.

In Egypt, you can get problems as a touring car, which is not common there and there are many police posts that may not let you through without any reasonable reason. Or, if necessary, no English can and therefore reject you. Especially if you don’t know, you can get into bad areas and thus in danger. So let this go or inform you extremely well where you want to go and what, for example, in the case of problems would be avoidance routes.

South Africa I heard a lot, but rather good.

2 months ago

You can say that for none of the countries.

You can travel alone in all, and there are risks everywhere.

What languages can you speak? How big is your budget? How long are you going? What exactly do you want to see?

In Egypt it is rather uncommon to be on the road with the car rental (but it is possible). There are many police posts on the streets that send tourists back… You can’t move freely anywhere. But the specific risk of violent crimes is rather low.

In Australia and USA you can easily travel with the rental car… but English skills are already required and you cannot underestimate the huge distances. If you’re going out in the outback or somewhere in Arizona or the car’s gonna stay, that’s stupid. And traveling in these countries can also be quite expensive.

2 months ago

Australia and the U.S. are the most secure in terms of Egypt (if you don’t only walk around at the hotel pool): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPrOFEI_0sxTDaDQwlK8Gj1nBf0ctoma9&si=R2j-3fAuo8sTHlLI

2 months ago

None of the countries should be on the list of safe holiday countries.

When it comes to “sustainability”, Australia and the USA are still best.

Otherwise, it depends on how to travel. Then you know, or do not know, in which corners you can dare and in which corners you cannot.

2 months ago

has not yet been able to judge in any of these countries.

2 months ago

Egypt clearly no, just no.

2 months ago
Reply to  corod

It depends on… With a bit of language skills and experience you get well