Wie sich schmerzlos umbringen?

Ich bin so am Ende, ich hatte und habe keine normale Kindheit, kann nicht zur schule und sonst nirgendwo hin, ich kann nichts mehr machen und es ist so eine qual für mich. ich möchte nicht sagen, was ich habe, aber ich kann mir nichts schlimmeres vorstellen. ich will einfach nicht mehr leiden, ich kann nicht mehr normal Leben und denke deswegen so oft an Suizid, aber mir fällt keinen Schmerzfreien ein. kann mir jemand sagen ob es einen gibt? Bitte!

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2 years ago

You cannot solve inner pain with external suffering.

You can only fight the problems where they arise. So in the head. Get professional help and go to the causes piece by piece.

Suicide won’t improve. You throw away the most valuable in your life and not only destroy your own life.

Acute you can contact diversified help numbers (see other answers) or, in case of emergency, the 112

2 years ago
Reply to  Fritzi013

Let’s help you. And seek psychic help.

2 years ago

If you are no longer able to go to your pediatrician, or call the emergency call 112. Also, certain facilities such as “number against grief” should convey you

2 years ago

Short answer: No.

There are only methods that are more painful than others. But after I have really been busy for two/three days, I can tell you that 100% pain is not. Especially not pain-free and risk-free, which means risk that it will work 100%.

The body always fights to stay alive. And when someone who researched this for a fanfiction, I can tell you that this is a pretty stupid and elusive fight where everything is put in again and nothing is abandoned without a fight.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Fritzi013

It doesn’t have to. It should not make your life normal, but help you to be happy and appreciate your life. This is certainly your desire to have fun and to feel joy. With people who like you and care about you, because they already exist – you just don’t know you yet. This number can help you. Both in the short term and in the long term.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fritzi013


You know

2 years ago

there is no painless suicide must disappoint you

2 years ago

If you think about some pain in suicide, you can’t go so badly.

So, your energy is better for something constructive.

Some people here are really helpful. You could ask if they help you solve your problem.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fritzi013

“You can’t” means “I don’t want to” in this case, do you?

Or what else do you have to conceal it?

2 years ago

I’m not gonna drag you out of your nose, I’m gonna have to come out if you want.

2 years ago

Not at all. Be glad you are well

2 years ago
Reply to  Zunami12345

There are so many people who want to live but have to die.