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7 months ago

Seriously it may be, but if it is worth daring to doubt. As other users have already noticed, a lot of effort is needed for little money. At the end of the Tav you have vlt few cents on your account and you can pay it only from 5€ zb

7 months ago

Think that’s serious. However, as already written below, it is a lot of effort for little money. I mean, I used to try something like that.

I’d see that I’m running a budget book and I’m getting a good, different income.

7 months ago

The providers are already serious, but the fee is bad (less cents). You have to answer questions before a survey to see if you belong to the target group. In this step, they throw out a lot of things, where you may have been wasted for a quarter of an hour.

Optimizing spending by looking for discounts is better.

7 months ago

Some providers are reputable, but honestly, that is, first of all, just data eating, and then you deserve too little, for that you give so many data from you.

So don’t think you’re making hundreds of euros a month.
If you see something like this you should be supposed to earn a lot of money, then these are disgusting

7 months ago
  1. You get too little money for time and work effectively well under minimum wage.
  2. The survey firms know a lot of information from you.
  3. You still have to tax these funds and register a trade for them, because they are commercial income.